Tougher course load vs. higher chances of success: What should I take this year?

<p>Hey CC, I hope you all are enjoying your summer vacations as much as I am. I'm coming to you with a question that has probably been asked before, but bear with me. </p>

<p>I'm getting ready to tackle my junior year, and before my schedule is set in stone, I want to ask you about my course load. It's shaping up to look like this: </p>

<p>AP Language and Composition
AP Psychology
AP United States History
Algebra II (grade level)
Chemistry (grade level)
Personal Finance/Economics (1/2 year, required in our county)
Study Hall
Spanish 3</p>

<p>Three AP's is gonna be hard enough, but with everyone on this website advising taking on a harder course load, I've been thinking about my math. Should I take Algebra II/Trig, or settle with Algebra II? </p>

<p>Math is definitely not my strong point. It's an extremely hard class according to my friends, but I'm concerned that it'll make me less appealing to college admissions if I don't take it. </p>

<p>What are your thoughts? And if anybody else has a similar problem, feel free to share your circumstances. I figured it would be best to make this into a dedicated thread, as course load appears to be a focus point among stressed out high school students.</p>

<p>Your schedule looks fine to me.</p>

<p>It’s true most students on this site take heavier course loads because they can handle it. Don’t get yourself into something you can’t handle. Getting D’s and F’s in a tough course looks even more disgusting than taking not so tough courses and getting B’s and A’s in. In my case, Junior year I only took two AP courses: AP bio and AP chem. Those two alone are enough for me, and I couldn’t imagine taking 3 or 4 at the same time.</p>

<p>I’m surprised that your school couples algebra II and trigonometry together, in my school we couple it with pre-calculus. Anyway, you said yourself that math isn’t your strong point, so there’s really nothing you can do about that so don’t force yourself into taking algebra II/trig. If I were you, just take algebra II. Like I said above, say if you got a C in algebra II/trig or got an A in algebra II, which one looks better? Colleges/universities indeed love seeing students challenge themselves, but that student has to get a good grade in that course. The AP courses you’re taking are time consuming so you need to focus on those the most.</p>

<p>I really hope you do well Junior year, good luck :).</p>

<p>Thanks for your input! I hope I’m not going in over my head with the three AP’s. However, English is my strongest subject and I’m interested in both Psychology and History (the latter to a lesser extent), so it shouldn’t be too bad. I say that now, but six months and three C’s later I wonder what I’ll be saying… :)</p>