Tour help for student from IL


<p>I work at a high school here in IL and one of of the students here was applying to that other school in Alabama and I convinced her to apply to Alabama. She was accepted - yay! She’s got a 3.947 gpa and a 26 on her ACT (maybe not quite good enough for honors?) Anyway, she’s doing a big road trip to visit all her schools and Alabama does not have any tours on her pontential days and I told her that I would try and find a solution for her from the fab CC’ers. She will be in at Auburn on 11/16 @10:15, so she could come back up to UA later that day or on the morning of the 17th on her way to Georgia. Does anyone know of any way to get soemone to take her and her mother around? She really does not want to just wander.
Hope you guys have some ideas!</p>

<p>Thank you in advance for your help!</p>

<p>Roll Tide!</p>

<p>PS - she got in to the science school with something to do with Bio?</p>

<p>My son is an engineering major. We set up his visit through the College of Engineering. They were very helpful and had him talk with several professors in different fields of study as my son was undecided in Engineering at the time. They also had a student ambassador from the COE take him around campus and to lunch.</p>

<p>Call your student’s college and tell them when you want to visit and see if they can set up something up for you.</p>

<p>I have one kid in honors and one who is not and we have found that everyone has been very helpful whether they were honors or not.</p>

<p>You can check with admissions to see if there are any tours. You can also check with the department with the major that she is interested in and ask if they might be able to do something. I’m sure that soon there will be lots of responses here as well. I could ask my son to help out if nothing else works. He is a freshman in engineering and honors college. With her GPA she will also qualify for an automatic scholarship. Just go on the scholarship web site to check how much based on her test scores.</p>

<p>The 17th is a home football game against Western Carolina…it will be CRAZY on campus especially since it’s an 11 am kick off (well actually 11:21). Tent set up on the Quad will be Friday and if I remember right drop off is at 6am. Auburn to Tuscaloosa is only a 3 hour drive but traffic will be bad starting Friday afternoon and I am pretty sure they won’t find a hotel room. Is she able to leave a day earlier and do Bama at the beginning? If she does the Auburn tour and let’s just say it’s over at noon…the earliest she would be in Tuscaloosa would be 3…I think your best bet might be a student from one of the parents on this board. My DD has a commitment but I told her to ask around. Good Luck…it’s very nice of you to try and help.</p>

<p>*She will be in at Auburn on 11/16 @10:15, so she could come back up to UA later that day or on the morning of the 17th on her way to Georgia. *</p>

<p>I don’t think she could make it to Bama on time for a tour on the 16th…the campuses aren’t close enough unless someone could take her around that evening??</p>

<p>I feel bad that this probably won’t work out. As mentioned above, the 17th is a home football game (morning game) so if she showed up on campus, it would be a madhouse…parking would be crazy, etc. </p>

<p>Another issue is that Auburn is close to Georgia…Bama is not. Bama is on the WESTERN side of the state, while Auburn is on the Eastern side (the GA side). If she’s at Auburn, then going to GA from there makes sense. It doesn’t make sense to go to Auburn, then Bama, the GA. That’s too much criss-crossing and wasting precious time on the road. </p>

<p>When is she arriving. If anything, she should switch her visit…she should visit Bama on the 16th, and then visit Auburn, then go to GA. Or skip Georgia completely.</p>

<p>I live in Atlanta and it really wouldn’t be that awful of a drive from Tuscaloosa to UGA – maybe an hour to an hour and a half longer? But Georgia may have a home game as well so check that possibility.</p>

<p>I’d figure at least 2 to 2.5 hours from Tuscaloosa to Athens GA. It’s not the distance - it’s getting through Atlanta. Well…it’s also the distance.</p>

<p>But when you look at it logistically when you only have a very short time to visit 3 schools, you should do it without back-tracking…from east to west…or from west to east. otherwise, you’ll spend so much time in the car and have so little time actually seeing the schools…all while being exhausted from schlepping around.</p>

<p>Ok, if I can convince her to change the order of her visits and do UA first, is there a way to get a tour on Friday morning? I know they are staying in Birmingham Thursday night.</p>

<p>Thanks again!</p>

<p>To book a campus tour for Friday, go here…</p>

<p>[Campus</a> Visits - Undergraduate Admissions - The University of Alabama](<a href=“]Campus”></p>

<p>We toured on the Thursday before a home game. The campus was ELECTRIC!!! (Not to mention DD was invited to watch practice and stand in the tower with Saban!!!) I can’t help but think that touring on Friday morning would have an amazing energy to it. Just my opinion…could make the rest of the visits “blah” or scare her away. I wish y’all the best in getting this figured out.</p>

<p>* I can’t help but think that touring on Friday morning would have an amazing energy to it*</p>

<p>True, but the problem isn’t Friday morn…the problem is that they were thinking of touring Saturday morn…on a game day with a morning game. That wouldn’t work out well.</p>

<p>If possible, they need to rearrange their schedule and do Bama first (friday morn), then Auburn (friday afternoon or Sat morn), then GA. </p>

<p>What airport are they flying in and out of?</p>

<p>Hmmm I thought that they were trying to rearrange so that they toured Bama Friday morning. Was having coffee with another Bama mom this morning and she said if they go to Bama first they might just as well forget the rest of the trip. We did Vandy first, Bama second and Arkansas third. Vandy was out because DD didn’t want the big city (Nashville) and well Arkansas didn;t have a chance after her Bama experience.
As for airport…I thought she said they would be in Birmingham on Thursday night.
Hope this all works out. Off to make Election Day cake…</p>

<p>If she can’t get a regular campus tour; is there a possibility of getting one through the Alumni Association. I remember a CC parent posting how great there tour was through the Alumni Association. Also I have been on campus before and seen Alumni Association tour guides in action. It seems like a possibility. </p>

<p>May have to have a Alumni call for a appointment.</p>

<p>The DISCOVERING BAMA campus visit program serves to complement the Undergraduate Admissions events already offered to interested high-school students.</p>

<p>How to participate in DISCOVERING BAMA:</p>

<li><p>To begin the process, an active NAA member calls Alumni Hall at (205) 348-5963 and recommends a student who is interested in a personalized campus visit.</p></li>
<li><p>A registration form is completed by alumni office staff for the student and parents, indicating their preferred visitation date and detailing specific interests. DISCOVERING BAMA visits are scheduled Monday thru Friday as available. Certain days throughout the year are set aside for University-wide events. </p></li>
<li><p>After the date is set, an itinerary is developed and finalized. Depending on the student’s interests, it may include visits with faculty or college advisors, a campus tour, information on scholarships, Residential Life staff, Greek life, etc.</p></li>
<li><p>On visiting day, the itinerary will begin at Alumni Hall, followed by a coordinated day of activities. Lunch will be provided. A visitor parking pass is also given to guests upon arrival</p></li>

<p>So if this is a option the student would need an alumni to call…I think a few post here!</p>

<p>Yes, please have them change the order of their visits. If they are in Birmingham on Thursday evening, that just makes sense. Also, on Thursday evening they could take a drive to campus and ride around. The University of Alabama is well lit at night and very attractive. They could also visit the strip and get a bite to eat, or drive to Midtown Village shopping center and eat there.</p>

<p>Arrange for hotel rooms immediately, because even rooms in Birmingham will sell out quickly for the football weekend.</p>

<p>Have them sign up for a tour ASAP, as these tours may also book quickly. Once the tour is over, visit some of the more interesting things on campus. There is a Museum of Natural History (a personal favorite), the Bear Bryant Museum if you like football, the SUPE Store where you can find all types of UA gear, or you could eat in a dining hall to get a chance to try the food.</p>

<p>See if the parent/student can contact the prospective student’s major department to sit in on a class or meet an advisor. The parent/student needs to be proactive in scheduling these “extras”. I don’t like the generic version of college tours, so if I am spending the money to be in the area then I want to squeeze the most out of my time on campus. Arriving in Birmingham on Thursday gives them extra time. Of course, they could just rest in their room, but I think it is worth the hour drive to Tuscaloosa to scope out the campus and the city of Tuscaloosa. Things to do will probably vary by what arrival time they have. Most restaurants in Midtown Village close by 10PM on weekdays, some restaurants on the strip are open later, but the Lakeside Dining hall is open till 2AM so they could still take a drive, or a short walk around campus and have something to eat or get a cup of coffee. Dunkin Donuts coffee is open till 2AM as well.</p>

<p>What is the prospective students major? Perhaps someone here on CC has a student in that particular major, and can provide additional information.</p>


<p>Well, she finally took all the good advice and contacted UA directly. Of course, she waited until the day before she started the trip, but by that afternoon she had a custom tour in place for Friday. Spent all day Friday on campus, was given info on getting game tickets for Saturday and when to the game. I got an email from her on Saturday saying how much she LOVED UA. She ended up doing a quick tours at Auburn, Georgia, and Florida. Enrolled at UA and is starting the sorority process (with the invaluable help of ahpimommy!). And to think, UA was not even on her list!</p>

<p>Thank you all for your help!</p>

<p>Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Extend to her our heartfelt Welcome!!</p>

<p>What a lovely story, wish her well from the welcome wagon!!</p>

<p>Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Welcome to you and your D. RTR!!</p>