Touring Alabama

Does anyone have a current contact in the Honors College and the College of Engineering to arrange a tour for an accepted student?

@NovaDad09 I called the Honors College directly and arranged a tour for when we will be there in Jan. The staff member is also going to arrange for us to meet with a representative from her major and to have lunch with an honors student in her major. One call got all that done.

I wouldn’t recommend visiting at that time. I wouldn’t think you’d get a good feel for the surrounding area, because a lot of it will be deserted. You can walk through campus, but it’ll just be buildings. You can get a pretty good view of the campus buildings in an online virtual tour. Since he’s already seen the campus once, I would find a different time (when school is in session and you can arrange an Honors College tour, sit in on a class, meet a professor in his area of interest, etc.) or just skip the return trip. My daughter visited Bama in January of her junior year of HS and didn’t return until Bama Bound almost 17 months later. She didn’t think she needed to visit again in order to make her decision.

I have to agree with @beth’s mom, @scaredtoletgo. Our one and only visit (in the spring of my son’s senior year) was at the end of spring break. We got to see the campus deserted and watch it (almost literally) “spring back to life” (a pretty remarkable experience), but if all we’d seen was the “before” campus, I’m not sure we would have gained any knowledge beyond the distance driving to campus from BHM and what we already could see from a virtual tour.

Save your money for a visit during football season or another time of year if you can’t get back down there during a time when the students are on campus.