<p>How does it compare to the apartment style in Nike?</p>
<li>I’ve never actually been in an apartment in Nike, so I can’t really speak to this! Sorry!</li>
<p>How bad is the walk to classes (assuming they’re not in the psych building)? I know it’s only actually 10-15 min tops but does that tend to build up making multiple trips per day for months?</p>
<li>If my classes aren’t on the north side of the Student Union, I drive to a parking garage and walk from there. I’d say the walk from Tower 1 to the SU is a good 15 minutes give or take, depending on your walking speed. Psychology: 8 minutes; CL1: 10 minutes; HPA: 10 minutes; COMM: 12 minutes; Engineering: 13 minutes.</li>
<p>How is the social scene in towers? Easy to make new friends or does everyone pretty much keep to themselves?</p>
<li>I tend to keep to myself. If you’re familiar with Myers-Briggs types, I’m an INTJ. This is my second year living in Tower 1; I had 3 roommates first year and have 3 different roommates this year. I never knew anything more about them than their name, where they were from, and their major. The occasional small talks occur in passing, but I don’t particularly enjoy them. </li>
<p>Actual experiences may vary; I’m not exactly outgoing, but if you get a group of roommates with whom you find you have a lot in common and who are willing to make friends then that’s great. It just didn’t work that way for me personally. With that being said, the setup itself is inherently anti-social; you definitely have to go out of your way to make friendships happen.</p>
<p>The RAs do try to do floor-specific social get-togethers once a month, typically. I’ve never attended one of these functions so I can’t exactly speak to their social prospects, but I’d imagine they may be useful in making friends.</p>
<p>How convenient is it to take a girl (or guy) back to your dorm for “hanging out” compared to the other dorms/ off campus?</p>
<li>I wish I knew the answer to this.
I don’t think it’s difficult; you might have to go downstairs to let them in, but there’s so many people coming and going that they can usually get into the building within a matter of minutes. Parking can become an issue for visitors in the Towers. Garage F is situated right in between E and W Plaza Drives and it’s a Student garage, but if you’re in Tower 3 or 4, it’s a bit of a walk. Other than that, it’s metered parking on E or W Plaza Drive and Towers permit garage parking only. I know a lot of off-campus complexes have dedicated visitor parking, which is nice, but this is something that the Towers do not have.</li>
<p>Also, is off campus even a practical option if you don’t have a car?</p>
<li>Unless you like relying on the bus, no. Many of the apartment complexes around UCF have shuttles that go to and from UCF, and maybe to some other buses to Publix or Walmart area. But no, I wouldn’t live off-campus without a car.</li>
<p>I hope this was sufficient. Let me know if you have anymore questions, I’d be more than willing to answer them!</p>