<p>I know that not all schools do this, but is there any way to track the status of your application at Cornell?
I know boston university does it, for example. and it was really useful because it let me see that they had not yet received my financial forms or transcript from my school!
this really worries me! will they not consider me if they dont have all this stuff by the postmark deadline? because i sent it all in way early!!!</p>
<p>yea they do. you get a reciept and then log into their system</p>
<p>wait, what? i never got one of those.
i applied via the common app about 11 days ago. maybe they just havent sent it yet?</p>
<p>any body else have this problem?</p>
<p>You are meant to receive an email saying your application has been successfully sent to the university.
Along with this, you receive an email from Cornell… and THAT gives you the access to a website where you can track your application materials.</p>