<p>My daughter applied to U.Va. (in-state student) from high school and was rejected.
She is now a freshman at University of Miami in the Honors Pre-Med program.
She wants to transfer to U.Va. Should she try now or wait another year?</p>
<p>It won’t hurt her chances later on to try applying now. Assuming her high school stats were at least somewhat competitive for UVA and her first semester grades at Miami are high, she should definitely go for it.</p>
<p>My D transferred into UVA in January of her second year after not getting in as a freshman. She is a rising 3rd year now and loves UVA. If your D wants to transfer she should not miss out on an opportunity to apply.</p>
<p>Thanks. I will encourage her. She’s taking some pretty difficult classes at Miami and getting high grades. She’s also a legacy of Virginia.</p>
<p>U.Va. will only be able to evaluate her based on one semester of college and past HS record. I wasn’t sure if this was enough to make a difference this time around.</p>
<p>In her rejection letter, they acknowleged her as a legacy and encouraged her to apply as a transfer. Is that a standard line or are they honestly suggesting they will give her application a harder look the second time around?</p>
<p>I am sure that anything Admissions put in her letter was meant sincerely. Would she be applying to the College of Arts and Sciences? If so, she could apply for Spring admission but the deadline is fast approaching - November 1st.
I refer you to the excellent Transfer blog:
[Transferring</a> to UVA](<a href=“http://www.uvatransferadmission.blogspot.com/]Transferring”>http://www.uvatransferadmission.blogspot.com/)</p>
<p>She can’t apply for Spring of this year, she’s only a freshman. She’ll need to apply for next fall, and if she doesn’t make it then, she can apply for the following spring and Fall.</p>
<p>As always, I encourage her to apply if she feels she would like to go to UVa, even slightly. If she is accepted, she can always turn it down.</p>
<p>My daughter got waitlisted to UVA last year. In the letter, transferring was encouraged also. I also wondered if this is standard…</p>