Transcript: Fax or Mail?

<p>I told the office at my school to fax my transcript, but now I'm thinking that I was supposed to tell them to mail it because it had to be an "official" transcript. BUT there was a fax coversheet/end sheet for the High School Transcript form, and it even had the number to fax it to on there! Im really worried now. Will they still allow me to mail the transcript tomorrow (December 2), even though everything was supposed to be postmarked by today? I just thought all of those forms could be faxed...</p>

<p>Transcript is not supposed to be postmarked by Dec 1. You listed all of your courses/grades in the application. The transcript is a confirmation of what you listed.</p>

<p>Really??? That is SO good to hear!!!</p>

<p>I sent my official SAT score report online, and my counselor mailed in my transcript. However, I never sent the USC cover sheets for those two things. Are the cover sheets really necessary?</p>

<p>only if you fax them</p>