Transcript processing time?

<p>Okay - you’d think I’d know this, since my DS just did this same process last year…how long does it generally take Bama to process transcripts? My DD applied in early Sept. , sent her ACT (shows as processed) and her transcript was finally sent by the school on 9/24. Still hasn’t shown up on her myBama as having been processed. I sent a note to Admissions (couldn’t get through on the phone). Just curious. I know she’ll be accepted, but I really want to have her see the official word (and get in the housing queue).</p>

<p>Strange. Are you sure that the school actually mailed it out that day? Contact your local rep to check on it.</p>

<p>I sent my transcript in on a Monday, it showed that it was received/processed by that Friday, and I was accepted the following Monday. So I would say something’s probably a little off, because it was super quick for me.</p>

<p>It took my transcript a little more than a month to process, for whatever reason. I sent it on 9/27 and it got process on 10/1.</p>

<p>I was accepted 10/3</p>

<p>Okay - guess it’s a moot point. Transcript was processed yesterday (finally showed up on myBama). Don’t know if my email helped or not. DD was accepted today. We’ll do the housing app tonight. Don’t know if she’ll end up joining her brother at Bama - but I know she’ll consider it. Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Can my DS’s transcript be sent by email to <a href=“”></a> if we include his CWID?</p>