<p>Okay, for my school the deadline for submitting transcript request forms was last week. On my transcript are my SAT I and SAT II scores, but I'm taking the ACT next saturday. I'm hoping to do considerably higher than what I scored on the SAT and if so, I'd be able to submit my ACT score instead of my SAT. But since my school will be sending out my transcript, is there a way to hide my SAT I score or should I just leave it and if my ACT score is good submit it? Do colleges use the highest score of SAT I vs ACT? Lets say I have a 1300 SATI but a 33 ACT (equivalent of a 1470)..would they disregard my SAT I? I'm confused..someone help.</p>
<p>I asked a question like that to my college counselor and she said that they would probally look at the better score.</p>
<p>Okay thanks...btw do you go to Xavier?</p>
<p>Yep. In New York City.</p>
<p>haha ... I go to fordham Prep...turkey bowl :)</p>
<p>Turkey Bowl... a bit rough. We still fought hard. Go Knights!</p>
<p>Rams all the way...great rivalry :)</p>
<p>It was awsome the day before. The whole school had a football rally. X-Squad (the trick-gun team) and Coach gave his big pep speech.</p>
<p>Haha same here...we had some alumni all-stars give speeches and had a pep rally. And Lee Roussant (Giants Running Back) came and gave a speech which was pretty cool.</p>
<p>N.F.L player at rally= sweet! When do we get replies from early schools?</p>
<p>Around December 15...which schools did you apply to?</p>
<p>Bucknell, Lafayette, Fairfiled, Villanova, Syracuse, U of Delaware, Rowan, U of Notre Dame, Valparaiso, Columbia, Rensselaer Polytech, and Union Colllege (NY).</p>
<p>Nice list...I'm applying to Villanova too. hmm you do know RPI = mainly all guys right? lol thought I'd let you know...it'd be high school all over again. Did you apply ED to Columbia? anyway GL w/ them man</p>
<p>Some girls are always better than no girls. At least at Xavier I can concentrate on my work more.</p>
<p>True...but in college ima be partying hard after thursday and studying hard mon-thurs...get best of both worlds :). I can't picture myself going to a school without many girls, especially not college. But then again I don't know you.</p>
<p>Yep. One thing that worries me about R.P.I is the 7/3 male to female count, but besides that... great college.</p>