Transcript to Universities...IB students please reply!!!~

I am in the IB diploma Program in Asia
Due to a health issue the first term of junior year, my grades were pretty bad…5’s
But 2nd term of IB1 and 1st term of senior year…I got all 6’s and 7’s
Does the transcript include only the final grades (i.e IB predicted grades) and senior year grades or does it include term grades as well?
Please reply!!!

Hi! I am in the IB myself, and when our apps were sent, they did include mid term grades along with predicteds.

@12345n‌ In our school, we have 2 term in grade 11 and then a Consolidated exam which mainly determines our predicted grades. Apart from this, we have our first term of our senior year grade.
Will they send all 4 of them or only the predicted’s and consolidated’s ( because they have the highest weightage of all)?

I think it all depends on your school, but common app usually asks for a transcript, which is essentially everything, though officers are likely to skim through the semester grades and pay more attention to the other ones.