<p>Anybody know where to send transcripts from summer community college classes? The website says transfer students should send transcripts to Admissions but I can't find where current students should send transcripts. Admissions doesn't seem right since he's already admitted. He went on a trip this week with his buddies or I would have him e-mail the school. I don't want to look like a helicopter mom :) and e-mail but I told him I would take care of sending the transcripts since the next few weeks are going to be crazy busy.</p>
<p>The answer is you send them to admissions.</p>
<p>I have looked into this several days ago, from my reading you have to first file papers with admission or registration office.</p>
<p>You don’t have to file any papers, just make sure the classes you want to take are transferable by checking the transfer course equivalency guide on the website and send your transcripts to admissions when the class is over. Then voila, your credits show up on your completed grades and your degree audit on your ISIS. Don’t slack off though, because your grades also transfer over and will be on your Iowa transcript.</p>