Transcripts question

<p>I have a quick question that I was unable to find in research and from other threads in this forum. I'm going to be working towards attending a four year university by last two years of my undergraduate studies. Before I start the long process of going through two years of community college, university, and then eventually medical school, I'm wondering if this will be an issue.</p>

<p>Right now I'm 21. I did not do amazingly well my first year of college and would not like these transcripts to even exist on my resume. I'm willing to take the classes over to nullify that I ever attended school a few years ago. My question is, do I have to send for these transcripts ever throughout my educational career? I'd like to start clean and work towards my goal but I feel that it's unattainable if my past transcripts have a burden on my future college resumes.</p>

<p>Unfortunately, yes, you need to send every transcript of any college class taken even if you take the classes over again. You can take the classes an additional time if you really want, but schools would obviously expect you to get A’s in those classes now that you’ve taken them twice, so it wouldn’t really signify very much. But if your universities see a huge rising grade trend from freshman year and up, then they might take that into consideration, although bad grades in college can never really be wiped clean. Just work hard and excel, and if you manage to completely turn around your grades from freshman year, than you’ll look much better to adcoms, but if you’re aren’t greatly improving by now, then it definitely can harm you. Good luck vehicle!</p>


<p>Do you also have to submit classes in which you dropped and received no letter grade? I’m not sure if they are even on my transcripts because they were non-completely courses.</p>

<p>Edit: This is an unrelated question but do you have to send your high school transcripts (and test scores) to graduate/medical school? Or is it strictly college grades/GRE/MCAT?</p>

<p>Yes, you have to list every college you have ever attended and send transcripts. Although that slate cannot be “wiped clean”, it can be overcome by a different track record as the years have gone by. Don’t worry about it. Schools understand that people develope and grow, beyond the silly teenager or young adult that they once were.</p>

<p>I don’t know the answer re GRE/MCAT… but I don’t think high school transcripts come into it (from my failing memory of my own experience a billion years ago).</p>