
<p>hey, I was just wondering if I should send in my high school transcripts even tho I am a transfer and will have 30 credits by the time I am done</p>

<p>Send them. You’ll need to eventually anyway, and there’s no guarantee they won’t need your transcripts to make your decision. I’m pretty sure they use it to evaluate the application for freshmen who are trying to transfer…I’m pretty sure they did for me, even though I had 45 credits by the end of the Spring.</p>

<p>dang I was really hoping I wouldn’t need to since my high school transcripts were horrific</p>

<p>You’d have to send it to finalize your admission anyway if you were accepted without them having it. I’m sure it won’t affect you as much as you think.</p>

<p>hopefully not but thanks for the help</p>