Hey guys,
do you know how long it typically takes to hear back on admission decisions for transfer students? I’m applying for AA transfer for Fall 2018, I already submitted apps to UCF and USF (florida) as well as my transcripts. I’m a mechanical engineering major with a 3.5+ GPA (likely a 3.65ish by graduation) so admission to these schools seem likely to me. I also plan to apply to UF, but I wont have 6 of the 8 tracking courses done until December so im waiting until then to apply (is this a good move?)
In short, how long should it take to hear back from USF and UCF? and should i wait to apply to UF?
UCF reviews at a rolling basis, which means they review and send out decisions as applications come in. Therefore, the earlier you submit your stuff and complete your application, the earlier you’ll get your decision, generally.
I couldn’t find any thing on USB though. Perhaps you can call and ask.
If the classes are prerequisites, then you should call UF and inquire if you apply while finishing them up.
If they’re not prerequisites, don’t worry about it.
Hey, Herokid11 - have you heard back from UCF? I am also wondering how long it takes, and I am also applying as an AA transfer for Fall 2018. All my transcripts have been sent, so just waiting…
Let me know if you hear anything and I will do the same if I hear from UCF. Hopefully soon!
@fenderbar I still haven’t heard anything. Hopefully by the end of this semester we’ll have a decision. By the way what major are you?
@Herokid11 - I’m hoping by the end of the semester too, but it makes me so nervous!
Pre-nursing and I will have all the prereqs finished by the end of this semester. Wondering what’s taking so long! I called Admissions twice this week, and they keep saying just to keep checking my application status online.
@Herokid11 Just checked my application status online and saw my admission decision! Took like 2 months, but they are finally sending them out! 
@fenderbar I received mine like a week and a half ago. I was deffered the reason they listed is that they wanted to see this semesters grades. I’m assuming because they wanted to know how I finished up in calculus 3 and physics. I’m about to send in my updated transcripts. I hope I hear back soon with an acceptance.
@Herokid11 Yes, send those updated transcripts! I sent mine in as well because it said they needed my grades for this semester, and then another transcript after next semester showing that I got my AA.
Have you heard back from USF, and did you end up applying to UF as well?
I also hope you hear back soon with that acceptance letter from UCF! Will be thinking about you! Fingers crossed!!!
@fenderbar it took exactly a month but I finally got accepted today lol
Lol but still great news @Herokid11 !