Transfer Admission Question

<p>In the final process of submitting my transfer application. I am a freshman at UWL and currently undecided. So on the application I choose undecided but it asks which school/college of at Madison that I want to choice. Do any of those schools have better acceptance rates or are they basically the same? For example Agricultural and Life sciences vs Letters and sciences etc.</p>

<p>You get admitted to the university as a whole, choosing a school/college will not change that. The Business School and College of Engineering have additional requirements for their programs, a UW admission does not automatically get you into them or any specific major. L&S is the default College as most students are in it, especially freshmen before they get into some others, including Education as welll as the above. CALS is a good choice if your proposed major is in it. Each school has slightly different graduation requirements in addition to the overall university ones. You can switch your school/college after you start at UW anytime so don’t worry about what you put on the application. L&S is the one to choose unless you have a reason to choose otherwise.</p>

<p>LAXHAX may ask for your college and hs stats?</p>