Transfer Admissions Revoked?

So, long story short. I just got into Virginia Tech as a transfer student, Political Science Major. My first semester GPA from the University of Alabama was a 3.25, this semester, it’ll be a 2.8 because of a math class that doesn’t transfer. I will get a NC or F for one Math class that’s not transferrable. If I pay my enrollment deposit and talk to them about it, do you think they’ll rescind my offer? I’m worried about it because VT is my dream school. Keep in mind the class doesn’t transfer. I’m going to call admissions but should I be freaking out?

Unfortunately, VT expects their accepted students, especially transfer students, to maintain their academic success in spite of acceptance. VT regularly rescinds applications, especially in recent years as it receives more and more applicants. Be proactive and call admissions and arrange something with them ahead of time. Offer to take the class over the summer, ask to be on probation upon matriculation, anything that will indicate that the failed class was a mistake and that you are a responsible adult and will try to make up for it.

Even with all of this in mind, you might get your offer rescinded, and frankly, you have no excuse for failing precalculus mathematics as a university student. Get your priorities straight.

@elements11997, OP didn’t say why s/he’s failing math. What makes you think it’s misplaced priorities?

OP, find a place to retake that math class this summer. When you speak to VT, let them know you’ll be retaking it. Do you know why you’re struggling? If you need a stronger foundation spend some time studying before you enroll in the summer class. You might need a tutor to help you. The best you can do is communicate to VT that you’re being proactive about it. Good luck.

Transferpack97, is it still possible for you to withdrawal from that math class so you do not receive a grade that impacts your GPA? I transferred to the CoE and my acceptance letter clearly stated that it is expected my GPA would not decline and I would not receive a grade of C or lower in any of the classes that would transfer for credit. Hopefully the fact that transfer credit would not be received anyway for that Math class may help you but the drop in GPA will definitely be a cause for concern. Call admissions immediately.

The date to withdraw that class is already passed, as my final exam is what caused me to fail. I called the admissions office and the transfer counselor didn’t seem like it was a big deal. If I was thinking, I would of just withdrawn the course because it didn’t transfer. I’m taking a community college course this summer to make up for it, so I’ll see what happens. I’m not that worried anymore because she said " We look at the spring grades as a whole", so I think one non-transferrable class won’t screw me. And thanks @Elements11997 , I went to every class and did all the homework and failed the exam, so real helpful.

Also @austinmshauri , my GPA at my current college didn’t fall below a 2.0, far above that actually. I’m not good at any math class, and algebra is weakness so that’s pretty much the deal.

was recently accepted into VT as a transfer, my only grade for my spring work that happened to be a C was ENG all my other classes were B’s and A’s, do you think they will revoke my application with getting a C? I also will appeal.

@collegestudent04 Have your Spring Grades on HokieSpa been evaluated? Mine just don’t even say anything. I keep calling VT and get the runaround.

I got in; even was allowed to change majors. Didn’t care about class because it didn’t transfer over.

Congratulations!. Welcome to the Hokie Nation.