Transfer Advice...

<p>Hey, I'm currently in my first year of college. I currently attend a small liberal arts university in WV because that was the only place my parents agreed to pay for me to go...I have applied to transfer to U of M Dearborn for Fall 09 and this thread is looking ahead to transferring to a top school from there. I'm gonna list my stats and ECs and everything and any of you with experience dealing with transfers, feel free to provide your insight. </p>

<p>High School
GPA: 3.5 Weighted 3.7
SAT: 2010 (1310)
ACT: 27
ECs: Intramural Bball 10, 11, 12
Soccer: 11, 12
AP: Eng Comp-4, Eng Lit-3. US History-3
New River Community College ( Courses taken during HS)
Sociology 101, Criminology, Stats, Personal Finance: GPA 4
12 hours</p>

<p>Concord University(where I currently go)
23 Hours-GPA 3.7
Major: Poli Sci
Minor: Bio, History
Currently taking 18 hours
Intramural Basketball, Coaching HS city league bball, 100+ Hours volunteering at hospital, 40 hours volunteering get out the vote efforts Sept-Nov, SGA Representative, Active in 2 other clubs. </p>

<p>I also volunteered with the Red Cross overseas this past summer. If all goes as planned my GPA by the end of this semester will be anywhere from a 3.7 to a 3.9. I plan on getting my EMT B certification soon and hopefully I will begin volunteering as an EMT in the summer. Also hoping to get some sort of political science related internship this summer. I slacked off during HS and I've tried my hardest to get beyond my crappy work ethic and apply myself to the point where I fulfill my full potential. By the looks of things right now, I will be going to U of M Dearborn for next semester, but I plan on trying to get into Ann Arbor or another school on that level for my junior year. I was weighing applying for fall 09 but I figured it was too late at this point, plus since I am still a freshman, my less than stellar high school stats would probably prevent me from being accepted. Again, any productive comments would be very much appreciated.</p>

<p>good idea to weight another year for xfer…out of curiosity, why are you transferring from concord to dearborn if you intend to ultimately transfer out anyways?</p>

<p>my main concern for schools of umich’s caliber is that your ec’s are a tad underwhelming…athletics won’t mean much unless you are a athletic scholarship kid, demonstrating leadership is very important in distinguising yourself</p>

<p>best of luck</p>