Transfer and university question. Help!

<p>Hello, I'm new to this forum but I have many questions to ask. I'm currently a freshman in New Jersey City University and I want to transfer out ASAP. It's not that I hate NJCU completely but it's a huge commuter school! Basically... there's barely any school spirits and people leave right after the classes are done. The main reason I came to NJCU is mainly because of financial aids. But I'm not entirely happy with the atmosphere of NJCU and just want to transfer. Here's where my dilemma lies. I don't know where to go.</p>

<p>I have a couple of universities in mind but my top 2 are Rutgers University and Temple University. Rutgers University seems like a logical choice for me since I'm in New Jersey but I don't know. I want to major in accounting and I heard that the Rutgers Business School is very competitive. I want to transfer to Rutgers for the spring semester for 2010 since I can wait it out for one more semester at NJCU. However, I'm afraid that I will not get accepted because their standards are so high. My current GPA at NJCU is 3.33. and since Rutgers want to know about my SAT score and high school GPA, my SAT was 1570 (Math:620, Reading:510, Writing:420) and my high school GPA was roughly around 3.87. Also, I was accepted to Rutgers as a freshman but decided to go to NJCU instead.</p>

<p>For Temple University, it's right in the Philadelphia! Since I live in close proximity to New York City, I'm used to the city life. I heard their business school is very good and underrated. However, since I'm an out-of-state school, I have to pay more and that will surely put me in debt. Also, I heard that the university is a "suitcase" school and since I want to dorm, it will hard to make friends since most of students are home for the weekends.</p>

<p>Rutgers and Temple University has a diverse student population and I love that. However, I don't know which university is suited for me. Help me please!</p>

<p>Temple is not a suitcase school anymore. As far as accounting goes, we have a fantastic program, but it’s definitely competitive, and accounting is pretty rigorous here. Have you taken accounting classes yet? If you haven’t, it’s no joke, and while a 620 on the SAT math portion is far from bad, I’m not sure how well you’d do on upper level accounting classes.</p>

<p>uuuh…well what is it that you are looking for in a school?</p>

<p>rutgers may well be more of a suitcase school than temple as it is a state school, maybe look into that</p>

<p>We’re both state schools…</p>

<p>I want to go to a party school or at least a vibrant social scene. It doesn’t mean I want to party and drink all night. ;). Also, I want a school that has a strong sport following and I know I will get that in both universities. It’s just that my life at NJCU is so predictable. I go to classes, work-out at the gym and go home. That’s it. It’s very hard to join clubs since most of clubs get canceled because of low enrollment. I haven’t take any accounting class because during my first semester I was undecided of what I should major in. I originally wanted to major in history and become a teacher but I don’t want to do that anymore. Then there was a workshop about accounting and I was fascinated by how it works. I want to know which business schools would I have a greater chance to get accepted.</p>

<p>Well for one, we’re not really a party school. The atmosphere here is much more relaxed than most state schools.</p>

<p>We definitely do NOT have a strong sports following. Don’t get me wrong, I love my Owls, and have been a Temple fan for my entire life, but the reason I dislike it here the most, and the reason I’d want to transfer the most is because very very few people share my passion and enthusiasm for Temple sports. There’s about 10-15 of us who are diehards. The attendance for football gets better every year, but a lot of students lose interest if we start losing. Also, basketball attendance isn’t as good as it should be for one of the best schools in NCAA history. You’d be better off at Rutgers for the rah-rah atmosphere.</p>

<p>But are the academics at Temple University good though? How’s the social scene in Philadelphia and do you know what are the requirements to get into the business school?</p>

<p>Yes, the academics are good. The social is good, cmon, it’s Philly. I’m not sure what the requirements are, they’re probably not insane, but especially in accounting, the best students get the top jobs.</p>

<p>Are there any Rutgers or Temple students in the business school? I need to do what’s the requirement and how rigorous the course is.</p>