Transfer applicant's chances!

<p>I am from a community college in Miami will have 60 credits by the end of the semester and so far I have a 3.48 gpa my major is International Affairs. I have looked at the prerequisite and it seems very basic have everything asked for. I am just waiting on the admission decision from the College of Social Sciences. I will keep my fingers crossed but I have my hopes high in which i will get in.</p>

<p>bump just asking to see what are my chances.</p>

<p>I would think you should have an excellent chance for admissions since your GPA looks good as long as you meet all the associates degree requirements and there are no precise prerequisites for the major.<br>
They suggest the following courses:
CPO 2002 is prerequisite for higher level courses in Comparative Politics; INR 2002 is prerequisite for higher level courses in International Relations; ECO 2013 and 2023 are prerequisite for some higher level courses in economics and for the Emphasis in Business. ACC 2021 is prerequisite for the finance track of the Emphasis in Business. They do require 12 credits of foreign language for graduation.</p>

<p>Thanks for the Info Cyber mom. I am esctatic I’ve checked the status page pretty much everyday since I sent all my transcripts. I think I will eventually be a Seminole. I’ve just been anxious and nervous to see when will they give me my decision. They’ve told me 4 to 6 weeks so eventually either by the end of this month or by next month.</p>

<p>I am sending my best wishes to you for success!</p>

<p>Well I got accepted to FSU! Logged on yesterday and they had it. I am very happy. Now a question about orientation is the date that they give you when you apply is that the only date their is for orientation for the fall term? Because I have looked at the date and it don’t look good because I have classes those days. It’s on a monday geez.</p>

<p>Congratulations!! So glad to hear the news!
There is a link where you can go to register and select the orientation date you want to attend. Hopefully there is a better choice available for you.
[</a> | new nole | pre-orientation](<a href=“New Student & Family Programs”>New Student & Family Programs)
Choose the Summer/Fall Junior or Senior Transfers: Register & pay for orientation by the deadline.
[</a> | orientation registration](<a href=“New Nole Orientation | New Student & Family Programs”>New Nole Orientation | New Student & Family Programs)</p>

<p>Well to give yah’ll an update I called the FSU Orientation number and I found out for transfer’s that march 23 is the only date they are doing orientation for transfers.</p>

<p>Congratulations! Great news!</p>

<p>Welcome to the Tribe. :)</p>

<p>wow that was quick, anyway… is that orientation mandatory?, meaning that if you had applied for UF you would have not time to make a decision since they release decisions in april?</p>

<p>I am surprised that there is only one transfer orientation session for fall. I would think it is mandatory to attend so you can get scheduled into your classes. Did you ask if there is any alternative if you cannot make that session? I would be afraid you might have a difficult time getting a decent course schedule if you miss the session.</p>

<p>Yea as of right now their is only one session which is the one in March. I asked to see if they had other dates but they said that is the only one. Mind you I’m talking about Transfer students.</p>

<p>I’m pretty sure Orientation is mandatory at least from what I have read from the website. For Junior & Upper level Transfer’s its 1 day, and for sophmore transfers its 2 days.</p>

<p>How long altogether did it take for them to admit you?</p>

<p>It took me the 6 to 8 weeks they said, I really wasn’t counting. I’m just waiting on the Acceptance letter in the mail seems like it takes forever.</p>

<p>How are the Dorms at FSU? Does anyone here got any pictures of them?</p>

<p>You can see some pictures and descriptions at [Florida</a> State University Housing](<a href=“]Florida”></p>

<p>I’ve got a question about Dorms since I’ve never actually been to the school I am waiting on going and checking out the dorms when Orientation comes in. As a transfer will I have a good shot at getting a dorm in which I like If I wait till Orientation? Or will I be late? My parents are on me about the dorms but I told them to wait till Orientation so I can see how they are.</p>

<p>I also have been trieng to get on the housing webpage but It never works. Am I the only one having this problem or is it down?</p>

<p>ttriber, I am having the same problem with the housing website! It is so frustrating. I called and the man at the FSU help desk said someone would be in to work on Monday morning, and that I should call back and report the problem then.</p>

<p>So unless something happens, we’re going to have wait all weekend to get into the housing website…</p>

<p>Me to!! I guess we will just have to wait.</p>

<p>what did you guys submit in addition to your transfer application?</p>

<p>Well I submitted my college trancripts as well as my High school trancscripts to fullfill the 2 semester of foreign language hours. I also remember submitting the residency form since I am from florida.</p>