Transfer Applicants (Fall 2016)

I’m creating this thread for transfer to binghamton. So maybe we can post any transfer questions and eventually results.

I am applying for transfer to binghamton. I was wondering what the application process has been like for other transfers at this point. It seems like the neither need recommendations nor a personal statement. So do only grades matter for transfers? Do they ask for statements later? All I am seeing on my status checker is that all they need are my transcripts. If anyone has any insight on this, please share.

Thanks & good luck to all of us.

I had emailed them a couple months ago about what was required for the application and was told that letters of recommendation and personal statements are not part of the process.

yes when I called they said the same thing. On the website they say :

"Also taken into consideration: Participation and leadership in extracurricular activities, community service and work experience; unique skills or talents; and strength of character in overcoming adverse life circumstances such as personal or financial difficulties. "

But considering they don’t ask for our personal statements, that doesn’t seem to be the case.

Have you applied or been accepted yet? If so what are your stats? (if you don’t mind my asking)

I applied in very early November as a second degree transfer. I had a 3.3 at one of the other top SUNY schools and have completed almost all prerequisites for Decker where I am applying. Any idea on when transfers might here back?

I don’t know when we’ll hear back. Hopefully soon.
Also did you guys use the common application or the SUNY application?

I applied a few weeks ago using the SUNY application. My chances are slim because I have a 3.0 applying to harpur. But I also have a killer recommendation letter from my professor. But hearing that those aren’t part of the process scares me…

I used the SUNY app too. I’m questioning if that was a good decision… On the common app at least there are essays and you can talk about your extracurriculars. My gpa is 3.13 and I’m also applying to Harpur. I think I’m going to send a short personal statement. A few years ago I worked as a research assistant in one of the labs at Binghamton U for a summer and then presented my research at a conference . I’m hoping something like that will get me accepted.

I used the SUNY app as well. It’s too bad that the admissions process is so objective.

Hey everyone! I’m applying to Harpur. I’m a sophomore at Liberty University, with a 3.8 over 62 credits. I’m on a scholarship here through my schools honors program, and am involved in weekly community service. Really hoping to get into Bing. I’m also a NY resident.

Being that it’s rolling admission–anyone get any replies?

My friend got a reply on the 9th . He got accepted. I just completed my application so I’m still waiting.

@karakoo did your friend apply to harpur? Everyone I’ve heard get a decision so far has applied to harpur.

yeah he applied to harpur

I got accepted to Harpur on the 9th too. 3.5 GPA in the honors program at my CC. Used the SUNY application so they didn’t see my recommendation letters or EC’s

I used the SUNY app and I received my acceptance to the school of engineering and applied science on the 18th with a 3.5 GPA from my CC. I also took many honors classes.