I have been checking my status on the Common App and not the Vanderbilt App portal. I thought either were okay. Today I decided to check on the portal and it says it’s still awaiting my SAT scores and Valencia College transcript (a college is went to a while ago for a year, but not where I received my associate degree). I am currently freaking out because I thought they had received it all since the Common App said “received”
I have the receipt for the transcript but no documentation of the SAT being sent.
I completed my application in the beginning of February! I have been going along living my life awaiting the email to find out if I got int or not, and all this time the application was incomplete! I plan to call my admissions counselor tomorrow and see what’s up – but this can’t be good right?! I have been a crying mess for the past hour. I worked very hard on my schooling and this application. I can’t believe this is happening.
When the Common App says “recieved”, it just means that the college has received your common application, not the official supplementals. You should never check for status updates on the common app, they won’t be there.
You need to send your official SAT scores ASAP (don’t use the rush shipping, though, it’s too expensive).
Just explain to your counselor that you weren’t aware they needed official documentation of the items and that you sent them as soon as you realized.
Did Valencia send Vandy the official transcript directly?
Personally, I would pay the extra $ to rush the SAT scores, if it’s affordable.
The good news is Vandy tends to accept transfers all through the spring and summer.
Good luck.
Aww, it’s going to be okay!! Like others have said, Vanderbilt accepts transfer students past the deadline anyway! They are still reviewing applications. I haven’t even gotten my decision yet. Idk if anyone has actually. Also, it seems like you had your application itself in by the priority deadline and were just missing a couple supporting documents. That might still count as meeting the priority deadline. Just email your admissions counselor. It will be okay
<3 You have not missed your chance to get into Vanderbilt!