Transfer Applications-Spring 2017

Howdy All,

It has been my ultimate goal to go to Texas A&M University. I applied last year but was denied and I don’t want to give up. My goal is to transfer to TAMU in the spring of 2017 for Psychology. I am currently unsure whether to make Communications or English my second choice. Right now I have a 2.92 GPA on 25 credit hours. I only had to withdraw one class due to a miscommunication in my registration and it still counted as a W. I am also very involved in my campus (RHA, Hall Council, Desk Assistant, Baptist Student Ministry, NRHH, Ranch Horse Club) Im not too sure on how my extracurricular activities play a role in my transfer application. I have taken these courses:

-BIOL 2401/Anatomy and Physiology 1: D
-ENGL 1301/Intro to Comp and Rhetoric: B
-ENG 1302/Composition and Rhetoric: A
-KIN 100/Physical Activity Course: A
-KIN 357/First Aid: A
-MTH 1314/College Algebra: C
-GOVT 2306/American Government: B
-PSY 2301/General Psychology: B
-SFA 101/College Success Course: A

Right now I am taking these classes during the Summer Sessions:

-DRAM 1310/Theater Appreciation
-MATH 1324/Business Math

If I get an A in those my summer courses that will bump my GPA to a 3.1

My question is what are my chances of getting into my first and/or second choice majors for the Spring 2017 Semester? Thanks to whoever may potentially help me!

Hey, I recently got accepted as a transfer for Fall 2016, so I think I could help. I think that right now with a 2.9 gpa you’re kind of on the border for Liberal Arts, because they do prefer a 3.0 gpa and up. But I think if you get those two As and bump your gpa to 3.1, you will definitely have a better shot. Im not sure if extracurriculars help or not, I just put a few but I know others that had none and still got accepted. I’m not sure how good you’re looking for Psychology cause of that D in Biology and C in Math. It’s still quite possible cause you have a good grade in your Psychology class so it’s kind of on the edge. However, I think you look better for English or Communication. I would advise you to apply as early as you can, and possibly ask a professor or two to write you a recommendation, also essays are quite important for transfers so you should also focus on that. I hope this helps you ! @southernbelle18

@acceptmeplease5 So should I just avoid psychology all together or just stick with it? I was also thinking about potentially having anthropology as a second as well. I just want to make sure I take the best path.

@southernbelle18 I’m really not sure, that’s kinda a decision you have to make. If you really want Psychology, I would say put it as your first major choice but let your second major choice be something that you have a really good chance of getting. I think you could potentially put Communications as your second and you should be fine. I’m not really familiar with the required classes for anthropology so I can’t really help you there. Just really try and raise your gpa and if you don’t get into your first choice then you’ll definitely get the second. I hope this helps and if you have anymore questions feel free to ask !