Transfer as a sophomore?

<p>I applied for freshman admission and was postponed. I have a 3.2 UW GPA, a 34 ACT score, and a 2110 SAT score. My grades are low because my mother nearly died 8 times since I have been in high school. Anyway, I was postponed. In light of recent events, I am basically considering myself rejected and am giving up on getting in fall 2008.
I have been accepted at UW-Eau Claire and am going there for one year, after which I plan to transfer to Madison in 2009. I am not participating in the Guaranteed Transfer Program because there is no pre-med program at any 2-year campus, but there is one at Eau Claire. If I retake the ACT to improve my writing score and get another 34 or possibly a 35, and get maybe a 3.7 or more at UW-Eau Claire, what are my chances of getting into Madison fall 2009? I want to go to Madison more than anything, and I don't want to wait until 2010!</p>

<p>P.S. How do colleges such as Madison evaluate tranfer applicants whose college transcripts are blank at the time of review? Should I wait until December when my first semester grades are on there? Please help me and tell me my chances.</p>

<p>You know how Madison has this "SOAR" program for orientation? Looks like I will be attending SOAR in 2009 and SORE in 2008.</p>

<p>Seriously, wouldn't it be funny if if there really were a "SORE" program for students who are denied? I should suggest this to the admissions office.</p>

<p>ihavenochance, I think you are giving up Madison way too early ... Your test scores are where they need to be. How did you do this past semester?</p>

<p>I am pretty much in the EXACT same position as you. However, I had a higher GPA than you and a similar ACT, but I was flat out denied. :(.
I don't really know what I'M going to do to get into Madison. I think I may attend UW Stout or UW Rock County for 2 years and transfer to Madison for the 2010-2011 year when I can begin working towards my major.
YEAH... So if you get ur ACT up (which isn't necessary) and do well at EauClaire, I'm sure UWM would want you for next year.
And even though you were possibly denied, WHY do they want you to go to the SOAR session? That's just really weird.
Oh Yeah. Call your admissions counselor. If you have that one women who has a weird name that starts with an "A', she will feel really bad for you and do all she can do get you in.
Send in a few more recs and your 1st Sem. Grades, and your chances will go up.
If i HAD to guess, if you do everything I just said, you will probably get in for THIS upcoming year.</p>

<p>The reason I'm giving up for this year is that I got a C- in AP Physics first quarter. My family fell on really hard financial times, forcing me to work long hours. I was chronically tired and bombed many of my tests. Fortunately, I was 18 so I could not be removed from my home. (I'm really glad for that. Because of my mother's health, I had spent 13 months in out-of-home placement during high school.) Since I know there's no way I can get in with that C- on my senior grades, I figure I will just wait until next year. I feel like I just couldn't handle that rejection letter.</p>

<p>By the way, JustANiceGuy, I read your stats. Why the **** would they reject you?!</p>

<p>If you share all of that information with them, like NOW, even with the C in AP Physics, it still might help.
I REALLY don't want to see you give up on this because I think you can do it. And if you can't pay for it look into scholarships or student loans.</p>

<p>UW looks at SEMESTER grades, not quarter grades. Your 1st Semester grade is what matters! So, keep working if your 1st semester is not over. Sorry to hear about your family hardship.....</p>

<p>Sorry I have a cold so my apologies if I read what you said wrong.</p>

<p>If you get denied for Fall 2008 then I would suggest you got to another college for a year (at least 24 credits) and get 3.0+. If you get above 3.0 you are generally in for transferring. I would also suggest looking at their General Education Requirements and try covering a few of those to show you did your research on UW. How that would work is during your first semester of college or before February 2nd you apply to UW as a transfer for Fall 2009. I apologize if that makes no sense but I believe you can either still get in or get in as a transfer. Good luck!</p>

<p>Remember that being premed is an intention, you can get the required courses anywhere- keep track of prereqs for courses you would take in Madison so you get them at whichever school you go to. Also- any potential transfers, don't aim for a minimum gpa for transfer, learn as much as you can so you are prepared for the work at UW Madison, as many A's as possible.</p>

<p>bump bump bump--Why does it have to be 10 characters?</p>

<p>bump again</p>

<p>still another bump...</p>

<p>bump-yet again</p>

<p>What are you looking for?</p>

<p>Speaking of C's, I haven't got a decision yet (sent in app mid november), but i just got back my semester grades which were straight a's and a c in ap literature. Should i send that in to madison, or just hold on to them until i get a decision? the gpa was a 4.0w, 3.66uw for the semester and 3.83w cum.
Ihavenochance, idk how you didnt get into madison, what was your weighted gpa? And how much extra curriculars did you have?</p>

<p>esmitty01: do this semester's grades make your cumulative GPA higher than it was on your previous transcript? If so, send in the grades. If not, don't. I am operating under the assumption that you have not been postponed - rather, you haven't received a decision yet at all.</p>

<p>ihavenochance: I am in the same position as you, except a year ahead of you. I am a sophomore at UW-Eau Claire (Which is a great school) but I wanna get accepted to UW-Madison more than anything! I recommend coming to UW-Eau Claire for a year, or possibly two. Hopefully your GPA will be just fine, and then you could try to transfer as a sophomore or junior.</p>

<p>Also, if you guys could help me out with my chances of acceptance into UW-Madison going into my junior year that would be greatly appreciated! I posted a thread that is just a bit newer than this one.</p>

<p>orgonianmom, it does actually raise my cumulative, but only becuase i have more ap/honors clases this year to make up for it plus all my other grades were a's. I'm worried that since it was a c they might get mad. Even though it was an ap course, c's just don't sound good...</p>

<p>I believe they only consider unweighted GPA. However, they would see that you're taking more AP and honors courses... but I see your concern about the C. If I were you, I wouldn't send in the grades. They're not asking for them, and they're probably close to making a decision already.</p>

<p>yup thats what im thinking....this is my reach (one of them) ne ways and i probably won't get in</p>