<p>Hey, I'm considering transferring from Penn State simply because I'm not happy here.
Let me just start by saying I have a tough time focusing on work. My parents have a negative influence on me; one of them is a complete ******* and the other one is financially hurting. Whenever I get a call from either parent, I can't get work done for the rest of the day. My other problem is that I'm simply not driven anymore. I need a change of environment and a school that actually sparks my interest.</p>
<p>I'm currently enrolled in the Penn State Honors College (Schreyer) as a FRESHMAN.</p>
<p>I want to transfer to an intellectual school like Yale or Cornell.</p>
<p>I don't know if this makes a difference, but I was accepted at Cornell before deciding to come to Penn State.</p>
<p>So anyway, here's my stats:</p>
<p>High School GPA: Weighted: 4.81/5, Unweighted: 3.94/4
College GPA: 4.0 1st semester
SAT: 2250 (1510)</p>
<p>High School Activities:
-Cofounder and Vice President of JSA (1 year)
-Class Secretary (2 years)
-NHS Officer (1 year)
-German Club Officer (4 years)
-Chess Club Officer (3 years)
-Studied Abroad in germany for a summer</p>
<p>College Activities:
-Deputy Director of UPUA Multicultural Affairs (one of 11 executives in governing student body)
-President and Founder of Thinking Before Drinking
-Member of Pre-Med Society, Schreyer Honors College Student Council, Springfield THON, SASA
-Will probably get involved in some research this semester </p>
<p>Work Experience:
-Spent a summer volunteering full-time in a lab
-Self-employed personal tutor for hire
-Worked at Kumon Learning Center as a tutor for 9-12 grade</p>
All from High school-the usual
Scholarship for best overall science student in my class (400 kids)
National Merit Letter of Commendation
Goldkey winner of Scholastic Writnig Awards
7 Publications in Creative Communications Journals
2-time AIME qualifier
Chem Olympiad School Finalist/Regional Competitor
Best German II speaker in Montgomery County</p>
<p>Now this part is pretty important. I received an Underage Drinking Citation during my 1st semester at Penn State. the charges will eventually be dismissed once i take a class. no institutional action was taken. I've also completely changed my ways by starting a club against alcohol abuse and convincing many of my friends to cut back on their drinking.</p>
<p>Anyway, just wondering if I have any chance at being accepted as a transfer to Yale/Cornell.</p>