Transfer Chances Fall 2014

<p>Hey to all the Hokies!I'm currently a second year student at Old Dominion but I wish to transfer to VT. I'd appreciate it if any current students could evaluate my stats and chance of being accepted. 95% of my credits would carry over as well.</p>

<p>High School GPA: 3.2
College GPA:3.37 Cumulative
First Semester: 3.57
Second Semester:3.28
Current Semester: Possibly 2.8
Current College: Old Dominion University
Major: International Relations</p>

<p>I am feeling a little iffy about my chances as my current GPA will drop my GPA by a bit points. I know I am not in the best position but I think I still have a shot. What do you have to say? Don't hold back if I had no chance at all.</p>

<p>Transferring to VT is pretty straight forward. They typically want you to take classes that lead to your major and for you to have a 3.0 or higher GPA. You should call and ask the counselors exactly what they want to see that you have taken. People have been denied for missing general education classes.</p>

<p>You have a decent chance. They like to see that you’re well on your way to getting your degree, I.e. taking the right required classes and doing well in those. Transferring for me was relatively easy, although I personally suggest applying early. I applied to VT last December as a transfer. As soon as the fall semester ended I had my transcript sent. I don’t know how much applying early will help, but I wouldn’t wait because there are a lot of people who apply for transfer! Good luck!</p>

<p>You seem like you would have a good shot at getting accepted. Just make sure you have A’s and B’s in all your freshman English, math, and science. Also a GPA of 3.0 makes you competitive as well. Since you are a transfer the only reason they need your High school transcript is because they just want to see if you have graduated. They do not look at your high school grades or anything else. If you go to the transfer tech website, it will show which classes to take and that sort of stuff.</p>

<p>Good luck and GO HOKIES!</p>

<p>Awesome guys! I am applying this month and my freshman classes are completed with A/B’s! I am feeling confident on my chances of being accepted. Though I did have a bad semester academically speaking(Fall 2013), what would be the best way to address this? I am not putting blame on anyone but myself. I just don’t know the best way to word that.</p>

<p>If you had a rough semester due to something that has happened, you can tell them about it on the application in the statements section. You will be fine if you have 1 or 2 C’s in the courses that are required for your major. As for anything lower than a C, you should email the admissions office and talk to them about it. I know that grades below a C are not able to transfer.</p>

<p>Do you think someone could tell me my chances? I am a current student at GMU, English major. I think my essay is pretty decent, but I have a feeling that’s not really what they’re looking at.</p>

<p>GPA 3.73
English Composition A
Quantitative Mathematics A
Public Speaking A
Cultural Anthropology A-
Music In America A</p>

<p>Spring Semester
Business Calculus
Biology (With Lab Credit)
World Geography</p>

<p>For all people trying to transfer it is important to look into the major you are applying to. Last year I made the mistake of just applying into what I wanted without much research and even though my grades were competitive I was denied. Look at the major guides and notice if it is an open or closed major. A closed major means it is for internal transfers only, but they will accept outside transfers if they have extra room ( I talked to an admissions officer about it). From what I’ve seen in the past if you are from a Virginia Community College and have over a 3.2 and have taken the right courses youre golden. For the out of state kids such as myself it is a little tricker and seems like it is more up to chance. However this is just my personal speculation. Good Luck to everyone! :)</p>

<p>sorry for bringing the thread back to life but, so vtesl2014, what you are saying is if I am a Mechanical engineer major, i should apply as a undecided because the college of engineers is VERY competetive…? or did have completely misunderstand you lol</p>

<p>Can anyone please tell me what they think my chances of getting in are as a Sophomore transfer?</p>

<p>HS: 3.82 GPA
With/ AP Comp. Gov, AP Environ. Sci, IT Database, AP ENG 11, AP US HIST, Pre-AP classes before that, SPA: Up to 3 years, Learn & Serve, Yearbook
Previous College (CNU): 3.2 GPA: 16 credits- ENG 123, HIST 112, PHIL 101, PHYS 141 & 105L, PSYC 202
Current Community College(NOVA): 4.0 GPA: 17 credits- CST 110, HIST 101, MTH 151, SPA 101, SDV100</p>

<p>I’ve played two different varsity sports in and outside of high school, involved in numerous clubs like Honor Society, and volunteer work, and I work on top of it all.</p>

<p>I sent in a letter of recommendation with my transcripts and all.</p>

<p>I applied to the School of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences for Human Development. I want to study elementary teaching.</p>

<p>***Also Pretty much all of my credits transfer to Tech.
One thing was my physics class transferred to NOVA as a general physics, but then at Tech it transfers as a elective? But if you do it NOVA to Tech, how NOVA transferred it, then it is a general physics, and not a elective. So I don’t know how they would go about that?</p>

<p>Thank you!!</p>