<p>Alright, so, to give some background information, I'm a freshmen finishing up my first semster in college, and desperately want to transfer, quite frankly, to ANYWHERE but here. Unfortunately, I don't think my grades from this semester are going to be particularly good, and I'm freaking out that I'm not going to be able to get in to any of the colleges I planned on transferring to.</p>
<p>At this point, I have revised my list, which is, give or take a few schools, as follows:</p>
<p>Stonehill, MA (my number one choice)
Salem College, NC
UMass- Boston, MA
Clark, MA
Catholic, DC
American, DC</p>
<p>My high school stats were alright:
3.4uw/3.6w GPA
1270 SATs (730v/540m)
With a lot of emphasis on ECs (held leadership positions & record holder for debate team, 810 nfl points, awards at the local, regional & national levels, etc.; mock trial, social studies national honor society, etc. etc.)</p>
<p>I'm currently a member of the honors program at my school (15 students accepted/3000 freshmen), a volunteer coach for my high school debate team, and expecting great letters of rec from a professor, and several debate coaches in the county that I volunteer for.</p>
<p>The problem is, I'm concerned that my GPA for first semester is going to prevent me from transferring. Mainly due to a ridiculous turn of events in my astronomy class (my grade dropped from a 91% to a 74% after I took the final, which the majority of the class failed & the professor will not be curving), and a change from a grade receiving course to satisfactory/unsatisfactory (meaning the 100% A I earned and worked pretty hard for won't be reflected in my GPA or my transcript), I am concerned that my GPA is going to be below a 3.0 (it might be a 2.98). If my midterm grades are, for example, all A's (I made sure to take courses next semester which a) have good professors and b) are classes which play to my strengths), will this compensate for this semester? Will they take into consideration the fact that I did poorly in a science class, which I always seem to struggle in and in no way relates to my major? Even if I retake the course, it won't replace the "C" I'm receiving until after I have applied. </p>
<p>Basically, I don't know what to do. I absolutely CAN NOT stay at this school, if worst comes to worst and I get in nowhere, I will be attending a cc following next semester and transferring from there, I can't express enough how utterly miserable I am, and how ill a match my current school is for me. Is there any chance I could still transfer to some of these schools now though?</p>
<p>Thank you SO much for your time & feedback :)</p>