Transfer chances to a LAC

<p>Freshman at Rutgers- Guessing yearly GPA will be a 3.3-3.6
Great HS EC's... Pres of class, key club, governor's school scholar.
Average SAT scores. 550s across the board.
HS GPA 3.4</p>

<p>Transfer schools:
Franklin and Marshall: Applied VERY LATE last year after realizing I loved the school(interviewed/toured). FM takes most of its student ED, so that probably screwed me.
University of Mary Washington: Got in last year with some scholarship money. Didn't realize how good the school is until a few months ago. Very good public LAC.
JMU, Gettysburg, or Ursinus is the third school I will apply to most likely.</p>

<p>you will probably get in to F&M, UMW, and all of the others. I think you have more then a decent shot at all of them. my bet is, you’ll be accepted.</p>