Transfer chances to George Washington

<p>Hey guys, </p>

<p>Just wondering if anyone could give me an honest opinion on my chances as a transfer to GW....</p>

<p>-3.63 gpa @Ohio State (Deans List 3 of my four quarters)
-Second year architecture student (all of my classes this year have been upper level arch courses)
-Good amount of EC's: AIAS(architecture association), NSCS (College honor society w/community service events), Honors distinction @ Ohio State, Club ice hockey
-Pretty strong essay writter</p>

<p>May I ask why you are transferring? I've been considering OSU (I'm from Ohio so the cost is much more manageable) along with GWU. Is there something particular that makes you want to tranfer away from Ohio State?</p>

<p>Well I am from Northern VA(20 min. away from GWU), and I have decided to give up on architecture, so it just makes sense for me. Ohio State is actually the first time I have ever been to the midwest, and being originally from southern CA then living in DC, Ohio is just not really my "scene". I actually love the school itself, except for the fact that everyone here is from some small farming town.</p>


<p>I wouldn't really call ohio my scene either (that's why GWU would be my first choice) and I live in one of those small towns.</p>

<p>good luck in your transfer</p>