Transfer Chances?

<p>Hello! I'm currently a freshman at SUNY Oswego, but I'm considering transferring to SUNY Geneseo in the near future. I was wondering if anyone could shed some light on my chances for acceptance. I will be applying as an Adolescence English Education major, same as my major at Oswego.</p>

<p>I maintained a 4.0 my first semester at Oswego, taking Psychology, Biology with lab, Honors American History, and English. I have a Presidential scholarship at my current college and I am a part of the Honors Program. I earned one extra credit doing community service through my dorm. Next semester I will be taking 17 credits and expect to have a 4.0 once again.</p>

<p>I took 5 APS in high school -
American History (5)
American Government (4)
English Composition (4)
English Language and Literature (4)
Statistics (3)</p>

<p>I took the SAT as well as the ACT.
SAT Scores -
1350 (just Reading and Math), 2030 overall. 730 Reading, 620 Math, 680 Writing.</p>

<p>ACT Scores -
30 composite, 35 English, 25 Math, 31 Reading, 30 Science</p>

<p>We didn't have GPA on a 4.0 scale at my high school, but my average was about a 92 unweighted, 96 weighted. I graduated in the top 15% of my class. I was a part of National Honors Society and maintained a steady job throughout my junior and senior year.</p>

<p>Thanks for any and all feedback!</p>

<p>I think you have a good chance! Good luck!</p>

<p>Thank you!</p>