I would like to know suggestions on where I could transfer.
I am planning on studying economics or business.
SATs : 1480 (old)
HS GPA: 2.7 (low i know :( )
College GPA: 4.0
I have tested out of the language requirements for all colleges with an SAT II in french above 660.
I have met the business requirement of micro and macro econ with a score of 6 in the IB examination.
I've just finished my first semester with courses in chem, cal, writing seminar (requirement for transfer also), philosophy, and sociology.
I'm also going to have fulfilled the accounting courses requirement next summer due to it not being offered at my current institution.</p>
Ski and Snowboard club
3 varsity sports in high school
1 varsity sport in college
Red Cross volunteer
official for interamurals
finance/investment club
Business freshman interest group
and I do pilates lol :P probably won't mention that though</p>
<p>I've got pretty powerful reasons for transfering which will help in the essay. </p>
<p>So where would I have a shot? Because I'd like to know whether it would be best to transfer immediately (preferable) or perhaps wait another year and aim higher for the transfer.</p>
<p>Thanks a million.</p>