Transfer Chances?

I am hoping to transfer to CC in the fall from the Colorado School of Mines. Coming from an engineering program my GPA is not the greatest and my coursework does not have many liberal arts courses. As a current sophomore, I have been able to do a lot for my campus such as create a scholars program, themed learning community, and know our presidents and college deans well (I had our president and a dean write letters of rec). I have also had a lot of struggles such as being a RA and having a lot of emotional turmoil on my floor, traveling out of country for a week (for a conference, paid for by the school)and missing a week of assignments and tests.

I already applied and thought my transfer interview went really well. I also spent a lot of time of my essays to show my passion for CC and my hopeful major (neuroscience). I am curious if even with a below 2.75 GPA would I have a chance at CC next year?