<p>I am currently a freshman at the College of William & Mary and am I strongly considering transferring (USC has always been my dream school). Though W&M is a great school, it unfortunately not the type of school I'm really looking for. Though I may ultimately decide to stay at W&M, I want to at least try to get into USC and then weigh my options in the Summer if admitted. I am not applying for Financial Aid if that makes a difference.</p>
<p>Asian Indian from suburban Cleveland, OH.</p>
<p>GPA :3.95 Weighted, 3.45-3.5ish Unweighted (ouch)</p>
<p>Class Rank: Top 12% Could possibly be top 10%</p>
<p>Courses: Hardest possible at my school. 8 AP's, 10+ Honors</p>
<p>SAT1: Math: 710 Critical Reading: 720 Writing: 730 Essay:12</p>
<p>1430/1600 2160/2400</p>
Model UN: Officer 11,12</p>
<p>Spanish Club: Officer 11,12</p>
<p>Math Tutoring</p>
<p>Spanish Tutoring</p>
<p>Project Support: Help organize social activities for special ed. kids at our school</p>
<p>Youth in Government Judicial: will be working with attorneys and ohio supreme court justices</p>
<p>School Newspaper</p>
<p>Played Tennis Freshman and Sophomore year had to quit due to tendonitis</p>
<p>Piano: Have been playing for 10 years. 1 Superior at OMEA music competitions, played for choir, various other performances</p>
<p>Summer 2006: LeadAmerica for Global Business and Entrepreneurship at Bentley College in Waltham, MA</p>
<p>Volunteer: I'd say maybe around 70-100 hours</p>
<p>Travel Exp.: 20 countries on 5 continents</p>
<p>AP Scores: only really good one is a 5 in Spanish Language
Span. Lang: 5
Macroecon: 3
Euro: 3
English Lit: 3</p>
<p>Plan to double major: International Relations/Chinese</p>
<p>Transfer Credit (AP): 6 credits received from AP Spanish Language</p>
<p>Semester 1
ECON101: Intro to Micro (3 credits)
Current Grade (after 1st set of midterms): A-</p>
<p>BUAD203: Intro to Accounting (3)
Current Grade: A</p>
<p>HISP151 Mexican Cinema (Freshman Seminar 3 credits)
Current Grade: A</p>
<p>CHIN101: Intro to Chinese (4)
Current Grade: A</p>
<p>Total Credits for Sem 1: 13</p>
<p>I am trying VERY hard to maintain/improve my grades.</p>
<p>Semester 2:
<p>ECON102 (Intro to Macro) 3
GOVT204 (Intro to International Politics) 3
CHIN102 4
ENGL212 (Creative Writing) 2
HIST192 (Global History) 3</p>
<p>Total Credits for Sem 2: 15</p>
<p>Any suggestions for courses I should take to improve my chances?</p>
<p>Will more emphasis be placed on my HS record?</p>