Transfer Chances?

<p>I am currently a freshman at the College of William & Mary and am I strongly considering transferring (USC has always been my dream school). Though W&M is a great school, it unfortunately not the type of school I'm really looking for. Though I may ultimately decide to stay at W&M, I want to at least try to get into USC and then weigh my options in the Summer if admitted. I am not applying for Financial Aid if that makes a difference.</p>


<p>Asian Indian from suburban Cleveland, OH.</p>

<p>GPA :3.95 Weighted, 3.45-3.5ish Unweighted (ouch)</p>

<p>Class Rank: Top 12% Could possibly be top 10%</p>

<p>Courses: Hardest possible at my school. 8 AP's, 10+ Honors</p>

<p>SAT1: Math: 710 Critical Reading: 720 Writing: 730 Essay:12</p>

<p>1430/1600 2160/2400</p>

Model UN: Officer 11,12</p>

<p>Spanish Club: Officer 11,12</p>

<p>Math Tutoring</p>

<p>Spanish Tutoring</p>

<p>Project Support: Help organize social activities for special ed. kids at our school</p>

<p>Youth in Government Judicial: will be working with attorneys and ohio supreme court justices</p>

<p>School Newspaper</p>

<p>Played Tennis Freshman and Sophomore year had to quit due to tendonitis</p>

<p>Piano: Have been playing for 10 years. 1 Superior at OMEA music competitions, played for choir, various other performances</p>

<p>Summer 2006: LeadAmerica for Global Business and Entrepreneurship at Bentley College in Waltham, MA</p>

<p>Volunteer: I'd say maybe around 70-100 hours</p>

<p>Travel Exp.: 20 countries on 5 continents</p>

<p>AP Scores: only really good one is a 5 in Spanish Language
Span. Lang: 5
Macroecon: 3
Euro: 3
English Lit: 3</p>


<p>Plan to double major: International Relations/Chinese</p>

<p>Transfer Credit (AP): 6 credits received from AP Spanish Language</p>

<p>Semester 1
ECON101: Intro to Micro (3 credits)
Current Grade (after 1st set of midterms): A-</p>

<p>BUAD203: Intro to Accounting (3)
Current Grade: A</p>

<p>HISP151 Mexican Cinema (Freshman Seminar 3 credits)
Current Grade: A</p>

<p>CHIN101: Intro to Chinese (4)
Current Grade: A</p>

<p>Total Credits for Sem 1: 13</p>

<p>I am trying VERY hard to maintain/improve my grades.</p>

<p>Semester 2:

<p>ECON102 (Intro to Macro) 3
GOVT204 (Intro to International Politics) 3
CHIN102 4
ENGL212 (Creative Writing) 2
HIST192 (Global History) 3</p>

<p>Total Credits for Sem 2: 15</p>

<p>Any suggestions for courses I should take to improve my chances?</p>

<p>Will more emphasis be placed on my HS record?</p>


<p>Did you apply to USC Marshall last year? Were you accepted?</p>

<p>I’m sorry I can’t give any advice on transfer chances as I haven’t followed that area. You should look at past threads from last year and check the stats of those accepted to Marshall.</p>

<p>One suggestion–you need to check which classes USC will accept for transfer and which they won’t. For instance, I believe I heard that Marshall may not accept all business classes from other universities for those in the major. Also, you want to make sure the GE classes you take now will be counted towards USC’s GE requirements or you will lose a lot of classes (or they may count as elective units, but not satisfy reqs). This is one reason students transfer in from community colleges that have articulation agreements with USC.</p>

<p>Best of luck!</p>

<p>Oh I do not plan to transfer to Marshall. I plan to apply to CAS. But yeah, I’m starting to take a look at the transferrable classes for next semester as it is too late this semester. Hopefully USC will at least give me credit for it as I doubt I’ll major in business.</p>

<p>What is CAS?</p>

<p>Arts and Sciences: Econ, International Relations, Languages, etc. Generally the easiest school to get into at USC.</p>

<p>At USC, they call it CLAS: College of Letters, Arts, and Sciences.
[USC</a> College of Letters, Arts & Sciences](<a href=“]USC”></p>

<p>Some colleges use CAS(Cornell for example) and some colleges use CLAS(USC for example). They are both understandable terms.</p>

<p>my bad, i meant CLAS. I’m just wondering though if good college grades for 1 (maybe 2?) semesters are good enough to offset my HS GPA. I mean I don’t think I was too far off when I applied for freshman admission.</p>

<p>I’m not sure what USC’s preference is about the best year from which to transfer over–if you apply in your first year of college, perhaps they only get to see one full semester of grades–or do they wait until the spring semester grades are also in? I have read here on cc for other colleges that they will take your hs grades and stats more into account if you apply with one year of college, and count your college record more heavily if you wait to transfer after your soph year. But congratulations on doing so well this semester. Getting close to all A’s at W&M is amazing and should make you very competitive in any event.</p>

<p>I believe USC is the same way based on their website. They say that they will look more at my HS record since I will have less than 30 units at the time of my application. I believe they will also look at my spring semester grades if they cannot make a decision based on just my fall grades. I don’t believe they have any preference either way on what year I apply. I’m just wondering if my college grades are good enough to put me over the top =/ I THINK I was close last year when I applied. </p>

<p>Also, if it makes a difference, I’m planning to study abroad at Tsinghua University in Beijing next Summer for 12 credits so I’ll be sure to mention that. I also have a couple ECs here so far (International Relations Club and Chinese Student Organization). Nothing spectacular since it’s just freshman year. </p>

<p>I just really want to go to USC! lol</p>

<p>Also I read they wanted a writing course so I think my next schedule will look like:
-Writing 101
-Chinese 102
-Creative Writing (Creative GER here and at USC maybe?) 212
-History 182 (Africa since 1800)
-Econ 102 (Macro)</p>