I just finished my first year at Goucher college in Baltimore, Md. I would say that my first year experience at goucher was so-so at best. I made friends and was involved in school and stuff like that. But after reflecting on the past school year, I’m considering transferring because I never really felt comfortable in the Goucher environment. I’d love to transfer to a more well known school with a good communications and pre-law studies program, preferably a school in the northeast (I’m from California).
In my opinion, I think I’d have a tough time transfering because of my sats both when in high school and my first year at goucher.
Here are my high school stats:
Cum GPA: 2.8
1170 SAT (600 math)
a few AP classes. Not spectacular AP test scores.
GPA by year:
Frosh: 2.14
Soph: 3.14
Junior: 2.77
Senior: 2.98
Lettered in 3 sports
Newspaper staff (3 yrs)
Student gov’t (2 years)
ecology club (4 years)
over 300 hrs of community service
(soup kitchen, camp counseling (inner city youth), and environmental stuff)
At Goucher here are my grades for each semester:
First semester
Intro to Biology- Withdrawl
Principles of Chemistry I- No Pass
Principles of Chem I: Lab- Pass
Academic Writing I: - B
World Without Frontiers, World Without Fears- B+
Connections, First Year Experience- P (pass no/ pass grade only)
GPA: 3.14
Second Semester:
Design Fundamentals - A
Intro to Comm Studies- A
Academic Writing II - A
Topics in Contemp Math- B-
Sociological Imagination - B-
GPA: 3.5 (DEAN’S LIST) dean’s list is 3.5 for freshman.
CUM GPA first year: 3.41
I was also house president for my dorm building.
So if you’re wondering why I am horrible at science, it was because I thought I might want to do something science related with my life, but I soon realized that science was not my thing (and it was more of a pressure thing from family).
This summer I’m currently a business development intern at an internet company and am taking a nutrition class at a community college to catch up on credits and help fix my science blemish.
The first school that comes to mind of where I’d love to transfer to is NYU, but I know I’d have no chance at all. I was hoping someone on this board could give me some advice on my situation.