<p>I just finished my first year at Goucher college in Baltimore, Md. I would say that my first year experience at goucher was so-so at best. I made friends and was involved in school and stuff like that. But after reflecting on the past school year, I'm considering transferring because I never really felt comfortable in the Goucher environment. I'd love to transfer to a more well known school with a good communications and pre-law studies program, preferably a school in the northeast (I'm from California).</p>
<p>In my opinion, I think I'd have a tough time transfering because of my sats both when in high school and my first year at goucher.</p>
<p>Here are my high school stats:
Cum GPA: 2.8
1170 SAT (600 math)
a few AP classes. Not spectacular AP test scores.</p>
<p>GPA by year:
Frosh: 2.14
Soph: 3.14
Junior: 2.77
Senior: 2.98</p>
<p>Lettered in 3 sports
Newspaper staff (3 yrs)
Student gov't (2 years)
ecology club (4 years)
over 300 hrs of community service
(soup kitchen, camp counseling (inner city youth), and environmental stuff)</p>
<p>At Goucher here are my grades for each semester:
First semester
Intro to Biology- Withdrawl
Principles of Chemistry I- No Pass
Principles of Chem I: Lab- Pass
Academic Writing I: - B
World Without Frontiers, World Without Fears- B+
Connections, First Year Experience- P (pass no/ pass grade only)
GPA: 3.14</p>
<p>Second Semester:
Design Fundamentals - A
Intro to Comm Studies- A
Academic Writing II - A
Topics in Contemp Math- B-
Sociological Imagination - B-
GPA: 3.5 (DEAN'S LIST) dean's list is 3.5 for freshman.</p>
<p>CUM GPA first year: 3.41</p>
<p>I was also house president for my dorm building.</p>
<p>So if you're wondering why I am horrible at science, it was because I thought I might want to do something science related with my life, but I soon realized that science was not my thing (and it was more of a pressure thing from family).</p>
<p>This summer I'm currently a business development intern at an internet company and am taking a nutrition class at a community college to catch up on credits and help fix my science blemish.</p>
<p>The first school that comes to mind of where I'd love to transfer to is NYU, but I know I'd have no chance at all. I was hoping someone on this board could give me some advice on my situation.</p>