Transfer chances

<p>Hi, </p>

<p>I'm trying to transfer into the Warrington College of Business - Finance. Right now I'm attending Santa Fe CC, and my GPA is a 3.2 (which isn't high, so I'm kinda worried) and my pre-prof GPA is a 4.0. I will have my AA by the end of the semester. I've heard that the college (Warrington) guarantees admission if you have an overall GPA of 3.0 and if your pre-prof GPA is at least a 3.7. Does anyone know that to be 100% true? I've heard it from Santa Fe advisors, but then I also hear that they tend to accept students with 4.0s. Does anyone have any experiences they can share concerning this? I'm just really worried that my GPA won't be high enough. If anyone has any advice, please feel free to let me know. Thanks.</p>


<p>Bump. </p>


<p>i think you will likely be admitted if you keep up your grades</p>

<p>i heard from a uf rep the same. that they will admit you if you meet the reqs from a comm college.</p>

<p>Thanks so much for your replies! Yeah, I’ll definitely try to keep my grades up. Hopefully I’ll be at UF by Fall.</p>

<p>While we’re on this topic,
does anybody know if any other schools at UF guarantee admission if you meet certain minimum requirements?</p>

<p>Specifically, for a Computer Science and a BA (arts, not science) in Economics. . .?</p>