Transfer - Classes and Credits! Help!

<p>Hey, I am transferring to UW next fall and I was wondering when I find out if my credits transfer. In particular when do I pick out my classes for the fall? I don't want to be stuck with bad classes or have a limited option. Does anyone know how this process works? Thanks!!!</p>

<p>UPDATE: I did research online and found out that I need to register for classes at my SOAR date. My data in months from now, and I am worried to classes I need for my premed path will be taken. I am taking organic chemistry right now and other rigorous classes. Anyway I can personally register for classes before SOAR or any other advice? Thanks!</p>

<p>Hi Wisco4Life, with the possibility of being labeled a serial CC poster, I will repeat some of my previous posts. I think you should call and check with Admissions or an advisor for Transfer students in your respective area. CC is great for understanding others opinions and experiences, but if you need hard facts…go to the source. </p>

<p>I believe the direct answer to your question is that you must register at SOAR…no other options available. I would think there’s a good chance that you may not get all the classes you want, nor all the classes you want at the times you want them. Hopefully, an advisor will make you feel better by explaining that you can get classes that make sense, and will keep you going down the path you’ve selected. </p>

<p>Sorry I don’t have more facts and help, but you seemed anxious and I didn’t want you to be hanging out there.</p>

<p>Ditto checking with UW for the facts.</p>

<p>My daughter was able to register for Fall 2011 classes months ahead of her June 2011 SOAR date because she changed her start date from Fall 2011 to Summer 2011 and enrolled in summer classes.</p>

<p>Are you from Madison or close by? Is it an option for you to take a summer class at UW?</p>

<p>There is still availability in the second semester organic chemistry course offered in the summer session.</p>

<p>No I live couple hours away from Madison, but that would have been a good idea Madison85. I emailed a transfer advisor and they said I have to wait for my SOAR date which sucks. The chances of my classes being full are pretty high since people who are attending madison already can register right now and by late June advanced classes will be fulled…the process is completelty against transfer students…</p>


<p>I know what you mean. I am a biochem transfer as well and worried that all the classess for the science majors are going to be full :/</p>

<p>Hi. </p>

<p>I transferred last fall and although a lot of classes are full, they save some spots in competitive classes such as chem and bio for students. Also if you email the professor and state you are a transfer student they may let you in. Good Luck in the fall! You will love Madison!</p>