<p>I'm aware that anything's possible, BUT does anybody have any first-hand knowledge of whether, say, UT-Austin or Georgia Tech accept transfer credit of calc, physics, and other early eng. classes from, say Columbus State Community College? My CC classes will transfer to any school in the Ohio state school system (OSU, UCincinnati, UToledo, etc.), so does this mean I could reasonably expect out-of-state schools to accept my transfer credits, should I get accepted? How do out-of-state schools make decisions about this?</p>
<p><a href=“https://oscar.gatech.edu/pls/bprod/wwtraneq.P_TranEq_Rpt[/url]”>https://oscar.gatech.edu/pls/bprod/wwtraneq.P_TranEq_Rpt</a></p>
<p>Don’t know about UT.</p>
<p>Yes. I transferred mine from a FL CC to Purdue. Generally, if UF would have taken them - Purdue took them.</p>
<p>Ohio State is risky because after all these years and after the rest of the Big-10 followed suit, Ohio State is still on quarters.</p>
<p>My credits went very well from an NJcc to private penn schools. It worked alright even though Drexel is on the quarter system. Weirdly enough, my credits transferred better to an out of state school than the instate public universities (Rutgers, Rowan, NJIT)</p>
<p>Thanks for the info, especially to qwerty (where in the WORLD did you think up that weird name! hahaha…ha). This has given me hope since UT-Austin or Georgia Tech would be da bomb.</p>