so i wanted to get some math credit outta the way this summer to satisfy gen ed requirment/major requirments. im having issues finding info on this. i wanted to go to a community college n take a math class. im currently taking calculus in school but am not taking the ap test. i was thinking of taking it as a college course n then tranferring it over, but then as i was looking at the requirments n classes as low as algebra and things like that were also listed as acceptle classes. and then on top of that we have to take placement tests to determine which classes we shud be in freshman year, but i dont have to do that at my community college....im just very confused. how do i know what math class i can take this summer thatll transfer over so i dont have to take math at wisc? and do i have to take calc or higher since ive taken all the classes lower than that in highschool, or can i just take any math class? any response would be appreciated!