Transfer Credit

<p>If you transfer in a class taken at a community college to satisfy a basic studies requirement, does that class count toward your Alabama GPA?</p>

<p>Thank you.</p>

<p>yes it does.</p>

<p>If you have taken any college level classes you HAVE to transfer your credits to UA. Your GPA will be calculated including those classes.</p>

<p>Cool! Home-schooled DS took Expository Writing at the local CC last semester. It’s basic freshman comp. I’m hoping it will be considered the same as Eng 101, so he can do Eng 103 when he enters in the fall. (He got an A, GPA 4.0.)</p>

<p>This semester he’s taking a sort of applied-math course at the same CC: Mathematical Modeling. He’s taking it basically just to get used to a medium-sized classroom setting. (The Expository Writing class was teeny. The CC offers a lot of them – same course – and this one just happened to be very small.) </p>

<p>Anyway, I don’t think he’s going to try to get credit for the math class. He’s had Calculus in home school, but he hasn’t done it in a while, and I don’t think it will kill him to re-take in college. I dunno. We’ll see.</p>

<p>oops, robotbldmom, just saw your response. Guess we’ll have to transfer the math class, too, then. OK. Well, even though it’s technically a college class, and DS is actually learning some new stuff (like statistics), he says it’s a fairly easy course – just one hour of studying per week, and he gets 100s on his tests! I wouldn’t want to use it for placement, that’s for sure. Credit, yep. Placement, no. Thanks!</p>

<p>You might check with UA and the CC where your DS took classes. When DD took classes at the local CC through her high school the y told us that they transfer the whole transcript so all of the classes transferred in. Worth checking out.</p>

<p>You have to transfer in the entire transcript, you can’t pick and choose which courses. If you took classes at multiple colleges you need to get a transcript from each school.</p>

<p>The above posters are correct that all college courses will be transferred. However, the grades only affect your cumulative and possibly your major GPA, not your Alabama GPA as the latter is only for courses taken at UA.</p>

<p>Should S be getting the transcripts sent now, so they are in prior to BB. They will have his JR year APs right? Just not Sr. year?</p>

<p>Sea_Tide is right. The course(s) will be calculated in your overall GPA not your UA GPA. Depending on the course and where it is applied say Arts and Science requirements it(they) will also be calculated in that GPA as well.</p>

<p>Send college transcripts once all grades are posted ie the student will not be taking any more classes at that institution before attending UA. If you sent 9th/10th/11th grade APs to UA, UA will have those scores, otherwise those scores will come with the 12th grade AP scores.</p>

<p>To check and see if your dual enrollment classes can be transferred, go here…</p>

<p>[Transfer</a> Credit (Students) | The Office of the University Registrar - The University of Alabama](<a href=“]Transfer”></p>

<p>Even you have taken something that is not listed, that does not mean it will not transfer. You may need to contact the registrar and ask for someone to review the course description and syllabus.</p>

<p>Momreads is right on the money. If your course is not listed, UA will review the syllabus and decide if you will get credit. However, this does take time -so if your classes are complete, send in the transcript now.</p>

<p>If you are taking a class currently which is not on UA’s list talk to your advisor when you register (if you want to continue with this course material) It would help to know if you were getting credit before registration or at least before the semester begins.</p>

<p>Example: My son completed an Italian course that UA had never transferred in before but he wanted to continue with the next class in the sequence, so UA had to review the course material and give him UA’s equivalent for that class (Not all level II courses cover the same material in all colleges). Sending in the transcript early gave him UA’s course equivalent and therefore the required prerequisite. </p>

<p>I was told last year that it could take 6-10 weeks to get a class reviewed.</p>

<p>How do we transfer in the credits from other colleges. Where do we send them? I looked on the UA site, there was some kind of STAR thing but it seemed to be for transfers from CC. I have one official signed & sealed transcript that I never opened. I’m thinking I can just send that in myself, but I would have to have an official transcript sent from another college.
I am thinking they should be in before BB.</p>

<p>As far as APs I read on the CB site that a cumulative report will be sent in July for all APs taken. That is too late for BB, but S knows what he got on Jr year APs. We don’t need to have those sent in first right?</p>

<p>According to the Freshman Student Checklist, college transcripts can be sent to
Office of the University Registrar
Box 870134
Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0134</p>

<p>There is no need to send junior year AP Scores as they will arrive with the senior year scores. He will be able to choose classes based on the results of his junior year AP scores and predicted senior year AP scores. If his actual senior year AP scores differ significantly, that’s okay; he will be able to change his classes later during the summer.</p>

<p>Son will be taking a couple of courses at a local college this summer. Only the first semester of the course was listed, so I sent a request through the letter of transiency for the second semester to be reviewed. By the end of the day, I got a response that the course would count, and it now appears on the transfer credit from that university. This is for students currently attending Bama who will take a course at another university during the summer. Maybe it applies to kids who will enter in the fall as freshman as well? Since some of you newcomers are talking about taking courses this summer, you might want to call the registrar and ask about this.</p>

<p>As for incoming GPA, my son transferred one course from the same local college he’ll be attending this summer. His entering GPA was the grade from that one course. He only took one course, though. His UA GPA, now that he’s got a semester under his belt, is different than his overall GPA, and I believe both are listed on his transcript.</p>

<p>*There is no need to send junior year AP Scores as they will arrive with the senior year scores. He will be able to choose classes based on the results of his junior year AP scores and predicted senior year AP scores. If his actual senior year AP scores differ significantly, that’s okay; he will be able to change his classes later during the summer. *</p>

<p>Very true. The scores will be electronically sent in July …Bama will then upload them and they will show up online.</p>