Transfer crisis

<p>I am currently a 2nd year student at Stony Brook U, I went undecided last year as well as this semester, and will begin my nursing prereqs next semester. I mapped out the courses I need and should be able to apply with 3/5 of my sciences completed (chem 1, Bio, Anatomy) by Fall 2012. I will be taking winter/summer courses etc etc. </p>

<p>My problem is that my grades aren't too hot, I will be able to pull probably around a 3 by the time of my application. I got a D in chem the first time I took it and I am preparing to retake it next semester. So in the event all goes well, and I get between a 2.75-3, where could I apply to schools with a reasonable chance of acceptance? I was looking and most schools start their nursing programs freshman year, with not many schools dividing the lower division and upper division classes as SBU does.</p>

<p>Can anyone recommend anywhere for me to apply? I was thinking since I am a guy, maybe I will have a better chance of acceptance, however I am not riding on that, it is just a thought.</p>

<p>Thanks for whatever help can be provided.</p>

<p>In general, I found that most nursing programs in PA. are direct entry, while many nursing programs in Maryland and Virginia require students to apply after their freshman or sophomore year. There also are colleges such as Thomas Jefferson University in Phila., which only accepts students who transfer in after completing 2 years of pre-reqs at another college.</p>

<p>I was looking at towson… does anyone know how difficult that would be??</p>

<p>When we toured Towson they told us they had about 300 applicants for a class of about 70 - 75. I’m not sure how many they accept. They don’t give preference to their own students and go strictly by GPA (so they said). Nearby JHU and UM - Baltimore have much larger classes (I think about 200 - 225). </p>

<p>It’s certainly worth a try but can you also re-apply to Stony Brook or another SUNY? Staying with a SUNY may make transferring credits easier and is also an advantage if you are instate.</p>

<p>Ok thank you I will keep that in mind! Do you honestly believe gender plays a role in their admission process? thank you</p>

<p>I don’t know, but it can’t hurt.</p>