<p>Hi, I'm currently a freshman student at San Francisco State University, and I HATE THIS CITY. I thought I was a small town girl needing some excitement, but I hate it so much. People are mean, and so restless, and I'm done. I want to attend a CC and try and get into Davis, and if not that, then Sac State. What are my chances like? and is this a stupid decision for the real world? I'm a Media major. HELPPPPP!! My GPA last semester was a 3.8, and I'm hoping to get at least a 3.5 this semester...i'm taking harder courses.</p>
<p>Yeah people are so mean. Stop stereotyping everyone and get out your little bubble. Stop being ignorant and foolish, and go out and meet people. No one cares if you are taking hard courses, all our courses are hard. You can do a CSU to UC transfer but you are behind the CC and UC transfers. Go to CC and try not to be an ignorant prick.</p>
<p>^^^^Haha that was a pretty mean reply man. </p>
<p>It’s not a stupid decision. Do what you want. The only advice I would give is that if you’re going to go through a transfer process, why not aim for a much higher school? Going from San Fran State to Sac State would be a complete waste, in my opinion. If I were in your position, I would aim for Berkeley / LA, with Davis as the backup.</p>
<p>Good luck!</p>
<p>San Francisco is the best city in California and one of the best in the country. The people are awesome. You are crazy.</p>
<p>Since your major does not exist at UCD, and who knows how many of your CSU units will not transfer over, you’ll have to do some major catching up in terms of pre-requisites at a CC. When you get to your CC, talk to a counselor about where to go from there. Also call UCD and see if they’re willing to evaluate which of your CSU credits would transfer over. Good luck.</p>
<p>Like oceanpartier said, you might have some catching up to do. With your 3.8 GPA last semester and potential 3.5 GPA this semester you could easily get into Davis. I don’t think Davis has a media program though. I would say shoot for UCLA since it seems like you would have a very strong chance at getting in, and since they have a very strong Media program. But going from SF to LA seems like it would defeat the purpose of transferring.</p>
<p>If you are questioning if it would be difficult to transfer to a different school, don’t. With that start you have, i would say you could shoot for any school you want. You might have to spend two years at a CC, maybe only one year. My money is on you only needing one year since Media majors don’t have that many lower division. If you are serious about doing this, I would say go to the CC you’re thinking about to, and ask to see a counselor. Call first to make sure you don’t have to be enrolled to see one. If you do need to be enrolled explain your situation; they might be lenient with you. That way you can see if you would need to take classes this summer so help you stay on track to only stay one year. You would hate to have to stay one more year when you just needed to take a summer class or two. Anyways, the short answer to your question is yes. You can transfer without much difficulty to a school from your CC. Just don’t procrastinate on doing so. Summer enrollment at my CC is next week. Won’t have many seats open to those who are late to the party.</p>
<p>I hope this helped you out.</p>
<p>look into the TAG program for the UC schools. Offered by most UC campuses, it allows CC students to have guaranteed admission to one UC school. A starting place is <a href=“University of California Counselors”>University of California Counselors;
<p>You CAN transfer to UC Davis, but your major would have to be communications. If you want to keep your major study (Media studies), Cal is the only UC that has that major. </p>
<p>Note : Every college / University, (or the entire world) has the pricks. Dont judge the school nor the community by a few, or else you’re going to be transferring a lot.</p>