Transfer Decision for Psychology major. ( SoCal and others)

Hello all!
I am currently in the process, like many of you, where acceptances are beginning to be sent my way and I am filled with uncertainty about which college to peruse. I am currently a Northern California resident where I want a change in scenery and pace. I am a psych major and I applied to 6 (non impacted in psych) schools. CPP, CSUC, CSUH, CSUN, CSUSM, and Sac state. This pans to essentially 3 norcal and 3 socal. I’ve only really visited SoCal a few times for brief periods over the years, however it was an environment I really enjoyed.

I guess what I would like to get feed back on and start a discussion about, is how are those SoCal schools are as far as school pride, how the social scene is, how is the surrounding area is, and overall anything you heard as far as downsides or really positive things. I do not know anyone personally who has been through the college application process nor do I know anyone who goes to those SoCal schools so i am really shooting in the dark. The youtube videos and the college websites can only say so much but I dont really have an inside opinion. And being that Northridge, Pomona, and San Marcos are down south, I can not go and visit them. I am sure the Psych programs are great (unless you think otherwise) I just would like to know what other psych majors (and anyone in general ) are thinking and choosing.

As you can see i’m very ill informed about these matters and any feedback will help. Thanks! :slight_smile:
One last thing sorry, My top pick is CPP (still waiting for a email from them), followed by CSUN (accepted :slight_smile: )or CSUSM (waiting for email), then any norcal school.
I really appreciate you taking the time to read this and share your knowledge on these topics, It means a lot and I look forward to reading the responses! And maybe make a few friends along the way!

It makes sense to wait until you have answers from CPP and DH but, Southwest tickets are pretty cheap (relative to tuition, room and board anyhow) so, you really should visit before getting too commit ed to any campus. Spend some time on campus, talk to people you run into to get a sense for what it will be like as a student.
In the interim, make time to visit the NCal schools - a visit will do a lot to ease your mind.

@NCalRent That makes sense, thank you so much for commenting! I checked and luckily my spring break is a few weeks before the final decision date so I know how I will be spending my spring break!