Transfer decisions: All at once?

<p>Does anyone know how Vandy does transfer admissions? Are they all sent out at once like the freshman decisions ... or are they sent out here & there?</p>

<p>Apparently transfer applications are still being evaluated and decisions are being sent out on a week-by-week basis until Mid-June. Eek!</p>

<p>I don't even know how to respond to this. Since my D hasn't heard one way or another yet, I will refrain from comment. I will say, though, that the wait has been difficult enough already ...two extra months is a very long time.</p>

<p>kelsmom: You may want to contact Brad through the Admissions may get a more accurate answer...</p>

<p>Vanderbilt</a> Admissions Blog</p>

<p>I considered that, Rodney. However, since my D is a college freshman, I have been trying REALLY hard not to helicopter. I post here as a way to get out my frustration! She doesn't read CC, so I feel like I can ask questions here & get answers ... but I don't step into helicopter territory this way. On her end, my D has to handle things on her own. On my end, I quietly skulk around gathering info so that I can respond to any worries she expresses in a somewhat informed manner. By the way, when does it get easier to be a parent?!</p>

I also wonder about the when does it get easier part! S graduated two years ago, is 24, and is now working his way through the law school admissions process. It's very hard to not ask "any news?" at the beginning of each conversation! Perhaps is gets easier, but never easy!</p>

<p>kelsmom: got it...Maybe Brad will snoop around this post and pick up on your question!! Good Luck.....</p>

<p>I was told that they would all be sent on the second Friday of April, and I got my acceptance on Monday. =)</p>