Transfer Discussion - Fall 2019 Virginia Tech

I am currently a Freshman at another Virginia school and I am hoping to transfer for my sophomore year. I am taking classes within the CLE and will have all but three of the requirements fulfilled before I transfer. I am hoping to swing a 3.4 GPA for this semester to have on my transcript and am wondering what I can do to be a better applicant for when I transfer.

Hi guys! I just wanted to come on here and say I transferred last year from being a freshman at gmu to being a sophomore at Tech. I love it here and even missing your freshman year here, it still feels like I’m apart of the school. I just wanted to tell y’all it is a stressful transfer process but if anymore has questions please let me know! YOU GUYS CAN DO IT!

@nredgirl Why did you transfer from GMU? It may be on my DS list next year.

@pct3 I really hated Mason. It was not for me in my opinion it is not a true college experience there. I do not recommend going there unless you need to commute.

do you guys know when we Hera back from admissions?

For transfer students notification is by April 1. So I would expect you would hear last week of March.

Im a transfer applicant. Hope I get in. They extended the transfer application due date. Based on a nonexistent thread for VT transfer students here they probably didn’t get many applications. Good news!! Last year the thread for transfer students was like 40 pages long…

Hi everyone, does anyone know how much scholarship money they give to transfer applicants?

@Greek31kid Pretty much none. I haven’t found any transfer students to Tech who have.

That’s what I thought. I submitted before the scholarship deadline on January 15th, so hopefully, something comes.

yeah same I applied early but I don’t think its common especially if you’re in state I am in state but I still applied early to be considered

I’m a transfer applicant for the fall term, coming from Queens University of Charlotte. I know the decisions date this year is April 1, but does anybody know around what time during the day you get this decision. I know it’s weird to ask but I’m getting antsy and I haven’t seen any updates on the application summary.

5:00 PM eastern time.

Has anybody heard back ? If so, share on the thread pls!

@Confusedaf98 I did. accepted

@Confusedaf98 accepted


and guys post your stats if you post your decision on here please and thanks

@azac123 do you know where we can view our financial aid package?

accepted!! biology major!

So I did not get in. My grades are good and my essays were good. The only thing is, is that I did not take calculus yet, I’m taking it in the summer. I also applied for Econ major.