Any recommendations? The student has excellent HS and CC grades and test scores, but needs serious financial aid. In-state for MD, and UM-CP is essentially a guaranteed transfer from the CC after completing the Associates degree.
Is UMCP likely to be affordable based on its net price calculator?
If affordable, UMCP seems like an obvious choice.
UMCP is probably workable, but she’d really like to be a bit farther from home. UMCP is Metro commutable from her home, and she wants to be in a situation where she can’t commute. This is a student who qualifies for the full Pell grant.
Would UMCP living on or near campus be financially feasable?
Many of the more transfer-friendly universities are state universities, but nearly all of them give little or no financial aid to out-of-state students. Exceptions with high reputations in math may be Michigan and North Carolina.
Among private universities with high reputations in math, Columbia and Cornell admit substantial numbers of transfer students.
Thanks, that’s what I was looking for. She wants options other than UMCP - and yes, she’d probably live there rather than commute. She’s just ready to fly the nest, and UMCP makes it hard to believe she’s flying.
However, all of those other schools are likely to be much more competitive for transfer admission than the in-state transfer arrangement to UMCP.
True! She doesn’t want to only apply to UMCP, but is OK with ending up there if it works out to be the best financially.
re #3, while true, the majority of Cornell’s transfer students are into one of its “contract colleges”.
CAS, the college there which houses “pure math”, traditionally has had a transfer admit rate about equal to its freshman admit rate. It does accept transfers, but the rate is less “substantial” than the numbers for the university as a whole.
I know that I am late, but I always liked that B.A. or B.S in Math at University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC). You can freely select 5 math electives (B.A.) or 6 math electives (B.S) and all of the community college math courses (Calculus 1-2-3, Linear Algebra & Differential Equations) transfers 100%.
Thanks for that info! I will pass it on.