Transfer from CC please advise!!

<p>My son graduates from high school this year and is planning to attend community college first and wants to transfer into Tech after two years. Va has an articulation agreement that guarantees admittance with a 3.4 gpa, however it does not guarantee admittance to a particular program. He wants to attend the business school and earn a degree in Marketing, but the business school is very competitive. A 3.4 may not cut it. But VT is his dream college and he really hasn't entertained the thought of any other college. So the dilemma is should he pursue the 2 year business program at CC and hope to have a high enough gpa to get into Tech's business school, or get a 2 year liberal arts degree that will transfer into almost any other program and have a greater chance of getting in. If he does not get into Tech at this point there is no other school he really wants to go to, but I think it will be a stretch for him to get a high enough gpa for the business school. It would be almost a waste to go through the CC and get a two year business degree that would transfer and then get into Tech, but not into the business school. It would be like starting over. He would have lost a good year of college. But, I think he would still want to go even if it wasn't for business because he really wants Tech. Come on please, any advice?? What would you recommend or do?</p>

<p>If he doesn’t get into Pamplin and still has classes he can get out of the way for the lower price, might be worth it to stay at CC and then wait for Pamplin</p>

<p>I transferred from TNCC, and took almost all my classes there, and ended up needing only 5 semesters here. I would just suggest that he look at the transfer guide for the program he is going to get into, but nothing wrong with doing it, and I think it is a great idea. Tell him to gear his class selection directly toward the program he is looking to get into. If he is planning to go into business then that is what he should do at the CC, because if not he will have a hard time getting into PAMPLIN, and will extend his time at Tech. He needs certain math classes, econ, account, etc etc. follow the transfer guide!</p>

<p>Thanks for the information and encouragement. We did talk to an admissions counselor and they said the math was the single most important class they would look at. Also, no grades under a B for those core subjects required. It will be tough, but if it is what he wants he will have to work for it. Congrats to you for getting in. I hope you have an amazing experience at VT!</p>