<p>Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I recently decided that I want to do Biomedical engineering. Since my home state is Georgia, I'd really like to go to GA Tech. I finished my first semester at Emory and it didn't go so well :(
My grades: Humanities class: A, Bio elective and Intro Chem: 2 B+ and B-, and Intro Bio: C+...my schedule was pretty difficult, and I'm really involved with my ECs. I had some stuff going on at home, and yeah, I just messed up pretty bad. I have a really good high school record, and was admitted to GA Tech and the GA Tech honors program when I was a senior in high school. Does anyone have any advice about what I should do about my terrible GPA? I know I'll need to get my grades up before I can think of applying to GA Tech.
So, how much higher should I get my GPA up before I can apply to Tech and have a shot at getting in? Also, what classes should I take next semester. I've got credit in Calculus at Tech , but not at Emory (since Emory doesn't accept a score of a 3)?
Sorry that it was lengthy, thanks for the advice!!</p>
<p>I think your high school GPA matters a lot because your a freshman. I’m in the similar situation too. I was ranked as 3rd in my entire school and had a really good GPA, but my college GPA sucks.</p>
<p>Also, I’m trying to transfer to GA tech as well… well good luck.</p>
<p>Don’t freak out! Read this post if it helps: <a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/transfer-students/570428-success-stories-those-bad-1-2-year-college-record.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/transfer-students/570428-success-stories-those-bad-1-2-year-college-record.html</a></p>
<p>I think, now this is speculation, you need a 3.5-7 to get into GT. And yes, starling is right; your HS GPA will have much more weight because you are so close to high school at this point. Your AP score credit should still be transferable at GT even though Emory did not accept it-- call admissions and ask to make sure.
I don’t know about what GT wants, but I want to do BME as well and basically you need 1 year of orgo, 1-2 years of inorganic chem, 1-2 years of gen bio, (sometimes 1 year of molecular bio/genetics), physics 1&2, and calc 1,2,3&4 along with diff. eq. Next semester I think you should definitely take physics and orgo ( if you have filled the pre.reqs. for it). I’m sorry, but I don’t know about what you should do about the calc though because GT may accept your AP credit, which would make it a waste for you to do calc at Emory. Talk to an adviser and admissions officer from GT and ask what you should do because this situation is unique.</p>
<p>Good luck!</p>
<p>bump anyone else have any advice?</p>