Transfer from honors community college to b-school

<p>Hi everyone, </p>

<p>I'm applying to undergrad b-schools at Georgetown, U. of Southern California, NYU, University of Florida, Wisconsin-Madison University of Virginia, Cornell, Emory, Babson, and Boston College as a junior transfer student.</p>

<p>Current School: The Honors College at Miami-Dade College (will graduate with an AA in May)
GPA: 3.82 as of my third semester (Note: will graduate with 82 credits, 51 of which will be honors credits )
Major: Finance and double major in Political Science
Coursework: Includes Calc I and II, both econs, fin. and man. accounting classes, international financial management, american federal gov, inter. relations, stats, and world religions
Acitivities: Student Government, PBL, American Cancer Society</p>

<p>Hispanic Male
Private Catholic High School
GPA: 3.836
Rank: 55/324
AP Coursework: 4 in U.S. History, MacroEcon, and MicroEcon, and 3 in Eng Lit/Comp and American Government</p>

<p>SAT: 740 Verbal/590 Math/640 Writing (1330/1970)
Subject Tests: 800 Spanish w/ Listening, 690 Literature, 620 U.S. History</p>

<p>Extracurricular's and Awards:
-President of Student Government (approx. 40,000 students at our campus)
-Interning at Finance Department at Mayor's Office
-Awarded the Miami Dade County League of Cities Scholarship
-Math Tutor at College Prep Math Lab
-Over 40 Comm. Service Hours with Habitat for Humanity
-Team Development Committee Member for American Cancer Society (relay for life)
-Phi Theta Kappa member (community college international honor society)
-Won first place in "Business Decision Making" in PBL state competition
-Florida Academic Scholars Scholarship Recipient
-In "Who's Who Among Students in American Junior Colleges" (don't think it counts for much)
-Raised $$$ for United Way, Red Cross, and American Cancer Society
-Selected to participate in "Salzburg Global Seminar" in Austria</p>

<p>Please rate my chances at being accepted to any of the schools mentioned above, and if you know any other good matches, it would be great if you could reccommend other colleges.</p>

<p>Thank you in advance for your comments!!!</p>




<p>BUMPPPPPPP!!! come on!!!</p>

<p>most…unresponsive thread…ever</p>


<p>I don’t do “chances” as it is just a game really.</p>

<p>However I do think you have a very strong profile. If your recs and essays are equally strong, I think you could have some good success.</p>

<p>Is Florida your safety? Because all of the other schools are pretty darn selective; if I were you I’d want a sure bet or two on my list.</p>

<p>Good luck to you.</p>

<p>UF sounds pretty safe for someone with a 3.8 in a fairly well-known honors program. It is really necessary to have more than one safety?</p>

<p>U-Wisconsin sounds pretty safe for him too.</p>

<p>IMO, not necessary to have more than one safety. The important thing about the safety is that the applicant would really <em>like</em> to attend it.</p>

<p>Bad safeties = lists like HYPS and safety is tier 2 or 3 huge state university. Shows no thought to the safety, and the safety is nothing like the ideal schools. The OP’s list seems quite reasonable as long as he has that safety and likes it.</p>

<p>I also applied to the university of miami; it’s my back-up for UF if I should get rejected. </p>

<p>UF is a pretty good school, it’s gotten harder to get into over the years so I’m hoping my extra-curriculars and honors credits give me an advantage.</p>


<p>Yeah UF is definitely not a safety, the business school their is the hardest to get into and has a highly arbitrary admissions process. There is one school in particular they favor students from over all other schools (sfc in gainesville), and I have even heard of 4.0’s from sfc being rejected and people with much lower gpa’s being accepted. It shouldn’t be that hard to get into, but it is very unpredictable, which is among the many reasons I hate the school (I was accepted, but having grown up in gainesville I have seen many bad sides of the school -also the people that answer the phone are very rude and useless which really turned me away). I would be very surprised if you weren’t accepted as in state from a CC with you resume, but definitely apply somewhere safer just in case.</p>

<p>Can you elaborate on the bad sides of the school??</p>