Transfer from Princeton

<p>I will be attending Princeton University as a freshman in the fall. However, I have serious doubts about the school and about how much I can actually see myself there. With the proper academic record, SATs, etc., what would it be like transferring to Yale from Princeton? Are chances better because of Princeton's reputation? Any advice or thoughts on this? The help is much appreciated.</p>

<p>It’s certainly possible. The transfer admissions rate is very very low (much less than regular undergrad admissions). Coming from princeton might help. You usually have to have a very good reason (why yale) to transfer, and near perfect grades. </p>

<p>What i’d really recommend is giving princeton a chance first. You haven’t even gotten there yet!</p>

<p>^^I agree. Being from P will help in the sense that if you get good grades, there’s no doubt that you’ll do well academically if you transfer to Y. On the other hand, it might be harder to have a strong reason for transferring coming from P compared to a large public, service academy, etc.</p>

<p>The final comment is the most important, be excited about P and enjoy your fr year! As the mother of a transfer to Y, while transferring may very well be a good decision in the end, it is never an easy or enjoyable process to go through.</p>

<p>I think it’ll be a pretty easy transfer if you do decently well at Princeton. </p>

<p>Though, I do warn against going to a school with such a negative impression. You’ll probably have a great time at Princeton if you go in with an open mind. Most people love their time at P. I’m not really sure what your qualms with the school are especially considering that the student body/environment isn’t going to be very different at Yale.</p>

<p>Anyway, best of luck but if you’re so down on the school, you’re probably better off going elsewhere/approaching it with an open mind.</p>



<p>Yeah, I’ve heard that anyone who does decently at P doesn’t even have to fill out an application. They’re just given a direct line to Jill Cutler and they’re in!</p>

<p>Give Princeton a chance. I think it’s a wonderful place in virtually every regard. Why do you think Yale would be better for you? </p>

<p>I transferred (though not P-Y) and it was actually very easy. But I also had all A’s my first year, and my original school simply wasn’t adequately challenging. I don’t think that will be the problem at Princeton, nor that Yale could necessarily remedy it. </p>

<p>Congrats on getting into Princeton. Give it a good try, I think you may really like it.</p>