Transfer from UB to Binghamton?

I was accepted as a transfer student into Binghamton’s Harpur school next fall and if I do plan on going I would want to try applying into the School of Management there. However, it’s extremely difficult to get into. I currently have a 3.4 GPA here (only the first semester) at UB and not in the School of Management. Some people say that UB’s SoM is in some ways better than Binghamton’s. Should I take my chances and transfer to Bing and apply to the SoM there or stay at UB and apply to the SoM here?

I would only consider the transfer for non-academic reasons. If your miserable at Buffalo (socially, or the weather, or the commute, etc) and you think you would be happier at Binghamton. Academically, I am not sure if the switch makes a massive difference.